Buddie - Louise 2/2

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Sorry this took so long I literally lost it in my iCloud 😂.

"What?! So Buck told you that Louise is my daughter?" Eddie gasped rubbing his forehead, "Yeah fessed in the back of the ambulance," "Hey guys," "Hi Maddie!" They all called but really had one thing at heart, "Maddie do you know about Louise?" "Buck was right you two are the gossips of the society, so Eddie you know your Louise's other farther," "Yes," "I was there when she was born, god Buck does not need to be reminded of that. He tried to contact you but was told by a Shannon that you were married with his real child. Eddie Diaz I suggest you get in Buck's good books before you meet your daughter."

How was he going to do that? He started off easy making light small talk at work, Buck was at first abrasive but had to accept it. Then moved onto meeting outside of work. Then the all important question arose, "So when do you want to meet Louise?" Buck asked over a cup of coffee, "Is it best that you meet her first before Christopher does?" He asked again, "No I say we meet when he meets her," "So we meet tomorrow 13:00 after both our shifts in the park with Carla as peace keeper," "Sounds good to me."

For once Buck was early. He didn't realise how much time he took for granted with Louise, "Morning Lou!" He smiled hearing her and her baby sitter upstairs, "Daddy!" "Hello darling," "How was work?" "Good. How would you like to meet your papa today? Your papa and your older brother?" "Can I really?!" She squealed, she ran back upstairs to put on actual clothes consisting of her favourite dress of strawberry print, ironically Buck made it. Over lockdown they took up learning to sew together, went as well as you would expect it to with only that strawberry print dress coming out actually looking like a dress. The two of them skipped to the car where the blasted old timely sea shanties another lockdown favourite, they were partial to the Cornish sea shanties.

Sat on the park bench watching her play Eddie sat next to him telling Christopher to go play as well, "Hey," "Hi, she's beautiful," "Yeah Louise takes after you in more ways than I like to admit," "Hang on is that Christopher with her?" "Yeah," "Christopher!" Eddie called, "Dad meet my friend Louise," he smiled, "Dad?" Louise questioned, "Kids there's something we need to tell you," Eddie started, "Louise honey, this is your papa and brother," her eyes grew wide as it all sunk in for her, "Pleased to meet you Christopher," "Same to you Louise," "Now there together its unfair to keep them apart now," Eddie started and Buck agreed smiling.

The beginning of their happy ever after. Buck finally plucked up the courage to ask Eddie out like a high schooler, not long after that they moved in together to keep the siblings together. Eddie went to Bobby and Maddie to ask permission to marry Buck and even got the kids involved in the proposal. Buck got the love story he always dreamed of in the end being able to pass away from cancer at 86 in his loves arms surrounded by his children and grandchildren. 

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