Tarlos - Secret 1/2

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TK and Carlos had been dating for three years, TK had been a paramedic for two years. Contains Mpreg and I am just starting to dabble in this style so bare with me if hell breaks loose.

TK and Carlos had a little secret. A very big little secret. A couple of weeks before TK wasn't feeling right so he went to the doctor, oh boy did he not expect the news. He was pregnant, 3 weeks pregnant, neither him or Carlos had ever expected that news. Both wanted to wait till he was out of the woods (around 10 weeks) to even tell immediate family eg parents and close friends.

On an ordinary shift on an ordinary day TK had his hands wrapped round the toilet bowl as morning sickness was a b. "TK you okay in there?" Judd asked lightly knocking on the door, "Yeah, I'm fine," he muttered pushing himself off the floor. "Now kid you don't have to sugarcoat it with me," "I'm not a kid," "TK what's up?" "Promise not to judge," "Why should I? I revoke that statement but come on what's up?" Judd was very pursuant, "Is there something up with you and Carlos?" TK placed his hand lower stomach debating what to say. Judd cottoned on quite quickly, "Well I'll be dammed your pregnant?" "Yeah I am, my dad doesn't know Carlos and I haven't decided to tell anyone yet. Your the only one who's figured it out," "How far along?" "About 5 weeks now. Please don't tell anyone," "I won't promise." Saved by the bell. Aid car bell sounded and TK raced downstairs to leap in the drivers seat with Nancy and Tommy.

"Okay pregnant woman in labour lost in the parking lot," TK inwardly chuckled knowing his luck it'll be him in 35 weeks. "What's got you do giddy TK?" Nancy asked, "Yeah TK less than 20 minutes ago you were hugging a toilet looking miserable yet now your all happy," "Nothing wrong with being happy. But the whole loosing your car while in labour that would be something I would do and it could happen though that's what makes me laugh harder," and he said to much, took only seconds for Nancy and Tommy to figure it out, "Your pregnant?" "Yeah 5 weeks," "Congrats TK, ah stop we only have 6 ft clearance. Aid car, is almost 7 we're gonna have to be walking. Hope your feet like you later!" "Ha ha T."

The situation wasn't as it appeared, they found the woman alright. But she wasn't in labour, not even pregnant. Confused the paramedics scanned the area around them only seeing the sparsely populated car park. A gun clicked next to each of there heads causing them to look around in a panic, the woman climbed off the floor holding a fourth gun on them. "Right in the van," "What do you want?" Nancy choked out, "We don't want you just your experience," the black van doors opened to a servilely burned man of anything it was a miracle he was alive without prior medical assistance.

TK and Nancy on orders kept there heads down while their captain talked the gang into going to her restaurant just round the corner. While they weren't looking Tommy scanned for anything identifiable, "TK give me your pendant?" "What for?" "Just give it to me," TK did as told removing the 252 medallion. On the way out Tommy left a restaurant leaflet in the van in clear sight and 'dropped' TK's pendant a few feet in front of it.

Being in an inclosed space with armed dangerous people was bad enough but add all the amounted issues they had to pretend okay as not to risk death. While the others were busy and TK was sent for more supplies he noticed a fire alarm in easy range and would bring the Texas Cavalry streaming to the restaurant in under 10 minutes. Glancing around he carefully edged closer. He was just reaching out to smash the button when something hard hit the back of his head. Hard enough to cause black splotches in his vision, he fell to the floor with an almighty crash startling the now freehanded Nancy and Tommy, "TK!" Nancy exclaimed trying to reach her friend. She was barred by the man who had knocked him out saying, "He tried to pull the fire alarm, smart but not smart enough." Tommy gently pulled her back debating how to handle this. "Please just let us make sure he's okay, we're more afraid of his cop boyfriend mad than you," said to much Tommy, "Your guys fine for now he just needs a hospital."

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