Evan 'Buck' Buckley - My Past Does Not Define Me

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Buck woke to his daughter jumping up and down, he couldn't believe Santiana was 6 already. Seemed like yesterday he held her for the first time all the way back in Argentina, "Daddy get up," "Okay Anna," "Daddy why don't I have a mummy?" Ah that was a tough thing. How can you explain to a 6 year old that her mother died giving birth to her, "Well, mummy was very poorly after you were born and she couldn't stay here with us. But she's always watching over you and she will always love you. See this band," Buck pointed to the single black band on his left upper arm, "Yes," "Well it has your mothers name on it on the inside see, Danielle Temperance Rover," "Danielle Tempe Rover, so I could have been Santiana Rover?" "Well actually you are Santiana Buckley-Rover on your birth certificate but it's easier to register you as Santiana Buckley. Now if you give me two secs I can help you."

Once Santiana got off he guided her into the bathroom where she had a shower while Buck got her out an orange and green stripped dress. He helped her get dressed before jumping in the shower before throwing on a FD t-shirt and some joggers. They sat as they did every morning (unless she was with Carla and Buck was working) without fail at the breakfast bar wether it'd be in silence or a roaring conversation. After plopping the bowls in the dishwasher Santiana twisted on the stool as Buck grabbed a hair brush, "What would you like today baby?" He asked her as he gently brushed her ash blonde locks, doing things like this reminds him of how much she looks like her mother. The same smile, same ash blonde hair, same rosiness to her cheeks and lips, same low eyebrows, her only obvious signs she's Buck's child is they share identical birth marks, identical blue eyes and same attitude to life. "Can I have two french plaits please?" She knew full well Buck had just learnt that one and was going to take full advantage of that fact.

The two sang there way to Santiana's school, Buck waved her goodbye before heading to work. The 118 had no idea of Buck's secret life, can you believe it the most talkative person of the 118 has the most secrets. "Hey Buck!" "Hey guys what you talking about?" "What we'd be doing if we weren't firefighters," "I bet Bobby would be a chef," Hen announced, "Chim not sure about you, Hen you'd be a doctor, Eddie you'd still be in the army Buck your a puzzle," Buck thought of where he'd be if Danielle would still have been alive, he'd still be in Peru or going back to Argentina where Danielle's family was, no issues as he spoke fluent Spanish and a few other languages. "Don't know. I became a firefighter because," he stopped thinking of Santiana, "Know what never mind I'm glad I joined FD," "Come on Buck now that I think about it we know the least about our most talkative member," Hen pointed out to which the others agreed, "Okay start with something easy what does that black band on your arm mean?" Buck Immediately went quiet stood up and walked out, he heard Bobby say from the kitchen, "What did you say to him?" "We just asked him what his band tattoo meant," "It's a memorial tattoo idiots common amongst some communities it's to represent someone close they have lost. If it has a name it'd be on the inside but it's a touchy subject ease into it or just don't ask."

Buck made his way down to the locker room to get at his duffle bag, he knew he would get bored today so he threw his sketch pad, wicker box (which held water colours and colouring pencils as well as other art supplies) and pencil case into his bag. Buck was different to how he presented himself to others, he was naturally quiet, well behaved but did make silly decisions in the name of caring. Matching his naturally demure and meek personality he loved art and was very good at it doing commissions on the side as well as an avid reader. He owned many books and had read almost every one of them. Buck crept past the bickering 118 and into the bunk room, it had an open bit at the end that was almost like a balcony but it gave a perfect view of the barn. He opened the sketch pad to a clean page, passing all his past works of art which included many of Santiana and the 118 especially Bobby and Athena. He liked to imagine them as his birth parents, drawing images of him 'growing up' with them as his parents. He steadily sketch what he saw below him.

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