Buddie - The Guilty Conscious Then Came Eden

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Multiple miscarriages, happy ending!

The guilt weighed down on Buck. He and Eddie had been trying for a baby for almost three years now, if they succeeded which they did a grand total of 6 times they each resulted in a miscarriage within the first ten weeks. Buck was used to the pain by now, he didn't dare tell Eddie he was pregnant again only his OBGYN who couldn't find s reason why Buck couldn't carry a variable pregnancy. They were beginning to think it was a genetic issue on Eddie's part. "Buck you okay?" Bobby asked, "Yeah I'm fine," "No your not Eddie take Buck to my office," Bobby ordered, as a joke Eddie scooped him up but felt the blood. "Your miscarrying again aren't you?" "It's the 7th time Eddie I don't need to be coddled?" "You didn't even tell me," "Because I was scared Eddie," he took Buck's hand, "We do this together Buck," "I could really do with a shower now," Buck whispered wrapping his arms around Eddie.

They watched the blood wash away in the shower tray, Buck and Eddie stopped trying for a while enjoying the time with Christopher and each other. The dream of having their baby was put on hold for the time being. Making memories it what its all about. A year on they were sat in the firehouse, Buck was dancing with Bobby while making dinner, the 118 knew about their struggles and let them be happy. "Buck come here!" Eddie called making grabby hands for Buck to Chimney's annoyance. Buck however ignored the near almost constant discomfort. Two calls he ignored the ever growing pain and kept it hidden from his nosy firehouse. He got up briefly to get a glass of water but dropped the glass smashing it everywhere, his eyes were fixated as he tried to ignore the throbbing pain in his stomach. "Buck you good over there?" Hen asked moving closer, "No oh god there it is again," "Is it a pain? Describe it," "I think its pelvic pain but it covers my lower half, oh shit there it is again?" "How long as this been going on?" "Beginning of shift," he took Hen's hands in his own to grip through the pain, "Have a shower see if that helps if not we'll take you to the hospital." Buck nodded following doctors orders.

He sat in the bathroom to ease the pain for a minute then stripping, something told him to touch himself and he felt a fucking head. Frantic he texted Hen to get down there now, "Whats up?" "Hen I feel a fucking head," he cursed, "Lay down okay, crap Buck your ten centimetres dilated. Stay here okay it'll be okay," Hen smiled before rushing out. "Eddie! Get your ass down here now!" She yelled opening the rig to get some stuff, "What's up?" "That pain your husbands been having was labour pains. He is sat in the bathroom on his own ten centimetres dilated while we're having this chat so get your ass down here and shut up." He didn't even have time to swallow the bomb that had just been dropped. Chimney and Bobby came down as well, Bobby played gopher, Eddie supported Buck while Chim and Hen delivered their baby, "Come on Buck the head is out one more your nearly there," Buck pulled Eddie's arms tighter around him for one last push. A loud joyous cry filled the room, "It's a girl, Eddie come cut the cord dude," "It's our baby Eddie," Buck cried as he was given his daughter. She came out screaming thats for sure, "A rebel, definitely Buck's," Chimney joked.

Eddie gave Buck his zip up hoodie so he could keep there baby girl skin to skin while they prepared to transport them to the hospital. "What are we going to call her?" Eddie asked, "She's the definition of a joyful surprise," "What about Joy?" "No doesn't seem to suit her, we have Buck, Chris, Eddie should we complete it by calling her something beginning with D?" "No I was thinking something classic," Buck sighed, "We have Christopher which is a semi biblical name, I've got it Eden," "Yes, its perfect," Eddie smiled, brushing the back of Eden's head. Eddie held Buck's hand the whole time. Eden had all her checks but simply let them go the same evening. It was a frantic rush to get Buck and Eddie leave, in total they got twenty weeks paid, 16 for maternity/paternity and 4 for unforeseen sudden circumstances.

Buck and Eden waited with Bobby while Eddie ran home to pull Chris from school and pulled the baby car seat and the other baby items they had stored up in their loft to his surprise the 118 were already there putting a fresh lick of paint on the nursery and building the cot, "Thanks guys," Eddie smiled holding Chris's shoulders, "Anytime Eddie," they retorted over the moon for their friends.

Baby Eden was there unexpected miracle but you would never know as they were normal parents to both her and Chris. The whole in their hearts was finally filled, Buck had his secret dream, Eddie the happy healthy family, Chris the younger sister he could defend from dickheads. So what they're trying to say is that, dreams really do come true.

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