Buddie - Lay Low

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Eddie and Buck have been together for a year and they still haven't told anyone.

Buck was tossing and turning in the bunk across the haul. He would fix his pillow here or pull a blanket over him there and even cussing out a lump in the mattress. Eddie had had enough of listening to this, carefully he pushed back his own covers and silently made his way over to Buck's bunk. "Hey baby," he whispered straightening out the duvet on one side like he does for Chris, "Hey," "Can't sleep?" "No you?" "No," Buck propped himself up to be at eye level with Eddie. "Come on beanery," Eddie whispered pulling Buck up with him. The two noiselessly walked out of the bunk room and as soon as the door was shut were twirling each other poorly round like they did in a ballroom when no one was watching.

"So you okay?" Eddie asked, "Missing you, shift still has 16 hours. I don't think I can keep it together for another 16 hours," "Keep it in your pants Buck please. Besides we can't have sex in the firehouse, you know how adventurous we tend to get," Buck moved closer to the other man, leaning over him to steal a crisp, "I see what your trying to do mr, and it's working," that wasn't what Buck meant but he was down. Eddie pulled Buck's lips to his, "Buck you look so hot in your uniform," "Might I agree with you Eddie," the two swayed back and forth, this wasn't about them hooking up as they were before this was about them being in love. Buck picked up his phone and AirPods to play cheesy dance music. Them having fun and dancing was the sweetest thing you'd ever did see till Eddie spun a little two enthusiastically and crashed into the glass coffee table knocking over an ornament shattering the glass.

The glass breaking was drowned out by the boys laughing there heads off. Bobby and the others after hearing the glass breaking came racing out of the bunks to quite a site, "What's going on?" Chimney yelled finally spotting the two boys cuddling one another, "We bashed into the table," they were laughing so hard they were barely understandable. "You two have a lot of explaining to do," Eddie took Buck's hand saying, "We're dating," "Have been since Christmas last year," "Did you tell us?" "No because if we told Maddie she would have told Chimney, Chimney would tell Hen, Hen would tell Athena and Athena would tell you Bobby so we kept our jobs shut I mean mouths, Hen what is it?" Hen was laughing her head off saying, "Buck I'm impressed by you able to keep this a secret," "Why you!" Buck launched forward to chase Hen but Eddie had him tight laughing, "Easy Buckaroo she's only joking," "You keep that sexy mouth of yours shut," "Not work place appropriate Buck."

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