Buck's Parents

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Everyone knew that Buck and Athena were Buck's parents in every way but DNA. Maddie was so glad Buck got to heal his broken inner child with them and he could have glimpses at what his childhood should have been like, what hers was like till Daniel got sick.

Bobby's fondest memories of his come to known son was when Buck was determined to come in sick, Buck trudged in on a damp day sniffling and an easy fever. He ignored Hen in the locker room going up to the loft but not before Hen texted Bobby a warning first. Bobby marched over to Buck back of the hand straight to the forehead, "You are not leaving the firehouse like this Buck, sit down now," "Bobby I'm fine," Buck groaned swaying with each step suddenly becoming very dizzy, he fainted momentarily passing out straight into Bobby's arms, "Buck your heavy! Eddie Chim I need help up here now!" He yelled trying to steadily get himself to the floor so he could take Buck's weight better, "Dad what happened?" Buck groaned, "It's gonna be alright son, your gonna be okay," Bobby whispered stroking his hair. Eddie and Chimney ran up the stairs to see Bobby sat on the floor Buck laid down head, neck and shoulders on Bobby's lap, "What happened," "He blacked out, has a fever, I'm not letting him go anywhere like this. I can't shift him off of the floor that's why I asked for help," "Come on Buck," Eddie sighed going to take his shoulders. True dad moments.

Bobby couldn't leave Buck alone so what did he do? Bring him back to his and Athena's where he slept the fever off in their spare bedroom for three days. "How are you doing son?" Athena asked, Buck had trudged out very groggy still but this time showered and in some of Bobby's clothes, "Better, thanks mama for letting me stay," Athena looked shocked and glared at Bobby, "He's been doing it since the fever," "I don't mind it at all, how's your head?" Athena asked moving closer, she did exactly what Bobby did hand on the forehead, "Better now. Where's May?" On cue May came in through the front door, "Hey Buck feeling better? Also I swung by your place to grab you some of your clothes they'd probably be better than Bobby's stuff," "Thanks May your the best. Bear hug."

Once he was finally back at his own place Buck dusted off a box of colouring pencils. He hadn't drawn for a long time, not since his dad tore up his drawings around the time of Maddie's wedding, he didn't even know why he had the colouring pencils and sketchbook but he's glad he did. Pencil hit paper, he drew Eddie and Christopher, Hen, Karen and Denny, Chimney, Maddie and Albert. Most importantly he drew him as the ten year old Buck that Maddie walked out on but not with his 'parents' he drew himself as Bobby's child then Athena's stepchild/actual child. He was off on sick leave till the end of the week so he had the time to recuperate his talent.

Eddie pushed Buck's front door open with the rest of the 118 following in behind carrying some shopping they had picked up for Buck. "Buck?" Hen gently called out, he was asleep under his artwork for now he was only using colouring pencils to create the art. Chimney was close enough to pick up the one he had fallen asleep doing, one of the whole of the 118 intended to be extremely detailed but he had done the outlines and the faces, on the top above the boarder is the passage 'We choose our family and this is the family I chose'. "Guys," Chimney whispered showing them the picture, "My god," Hen whispered, "We must protect him at all costs," Chimney smiled softly as Eddie went to gently woke him up, "Buck honey wake up love," "Hm Eddie," Buck rolled over jolting awake when he realised the entire 118 was in his kitchen, "Oh my god," he remembered his drawings as well and that some were missing, "Give them back," he ordered but they refused, "These are incredible Buck why didn't you tell us you could draw?" "I had forgotten if I'm honest. Oh not-," Bobby picked up the one of a teenaged Buck and Bobby behind him wrapping his arms around Buck's shoulders as well as one with Bobby, Athena and Micheal in the back there arms around each other, Athena is holding May's hand, Micheal has a hand on Harry's shoulder and Bobby is holding Buck's hand on Buck's chest in front of Bobby, "Can I keep these?" Bobby asked swallowing up his tears, "Always dad." The 118 were silent as the father and son duo hugged.

Evening shifted to going through all the drawings Buck had done in the last few days he will fully admit that one or two of his biological parents drawn as devils were done while he was under the influence of a good glass of wine. Eddie hid the one he'd drawn from the time he was abused by them they didn't need to see that.

The drawings digitised they were passed around like sweets, Bobby and Athena framed the original of the family drawing at home while Bobby had the on of he and Buck on his desk. He is definitely the firehouse baby that was to be protected at all costs. It came as no surprise that after ordering Buck to get tested he came back with severe ADHD to the point the therapist was surprised he made it to his 30's.

When his biological parents came to town he drove in with Eddie in the morning so he and Chimney to go to his and Maddie's flat with Chimney because limited parking. Arguments were danced around till Phillip Buckley tried to strike Buck in front of a very astonished Chimney who had speechlessly set his phone to record catching all of the physical violence the yelling and Chimney interfering breaking up the fight taking a punch to the nose. Police came pounding on the door as Maddie helped Buck up off of the floor, Chimney turned to the Buckley siblings who with one glare from their parents didn't say a word, "We've had reports of a domestic dispute," "Hello officers these two are my in laws and he took a swing at me and busted my nose," "Do we need to call an ambulance?" "It's fine I'm a firefighter/paramedic and my partner was a nurse can you please-," Margret did something that made Buck freak that went unnoticed, he ran. Buck ran passed the cops, his head hurt, the shouting, he ran, he looked like he'd been jumped.

Chimney got the two removed from his flat to discuss with Maddie the potential of restraining orders! With Maddie's permission he put the fight on the group chat without Buck called 'Protect the Baby' the baby being Buck. 4 minutes worth of screaming, physical violence and the police as well as Buck going from fight to flight. Bobby was ready to start tracking Buck when there front door was pounded upon, Buck stumbled through the door into Bobby's arms, he was wet had ran from Chimney's to the house and was visibly beaten. "I got you, I got you Buck," Bobby had his arms around the man who in this state could be easily mistaken for a boy, "Your safe now honey," "Buckaroo," "Mamma," Buck cried going to hug her as well. They sat him down with a towel and hot drink while Bobby got out the first aid kit, "Do you know what happened?" "Chimney filmed the whole thing we couldn't finish it, you never deserve that okay Buck. What did those bastards do to you?" Aside from ice he was fine for a lot of it, "I am so glad you came here Bucky," Athena smiled softly squeezing his chilly hand, "What now?" "They know where I live so I can't go back there till they leave," "You can stay here," Bobby offered but Buck shook his head, "I don't want to be a burden on you two," "How about this. Albert is looking for someone to stay that isn't a pregnant couples sofa till he finds a flat, ask him to stay with you, tell him what happened and if your parents show up you can pretend that he is the resident. If as I doubt they would try anything."

It's Margaret and Phillip they did try when the 118 were round Buck's playing video games. Eddie answered the door, listened to five minutes of Phillip's shouting then shut the door in his face he then hugged Buck as tight as he could, "What was that for?" "Didn't think you got many of those growing up," "Don't worry Buck you have us in your corner we're your family," "And a good one at that!"

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