1. He sees you in his merch

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oh my God.

Vinnie's heart could practically leap out of his chest.

He offered you a sweatshirt for free but you insisted on paying for one off the website like a regular fan. But the idea of you wearing something that was so invariably his hadn't dawned on him.

The package had came when Vinnie was out of the house and when he came back, he called out your name as usual.

But he was not prepared for the sight of you. You were beautiful, but seeing the name of the brand he created stitched on on your chest was something else.

"You can't surprise me looking like that."

His voice was light and joking but also wavering as he stepped closer to you. He felt so proud. How can someone feel so proud at something so small?

You were his, he knew. But to see it written so permanently and publicly...his head spun with happiness.

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