76. Not your fault

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Plot: the first date doesn't go as planned


You checked your hair for the one hundredth time. Couldn't help it, you just wanted to look good for him. Until you finally told yourself that it looked fine.

The plan was that Vinnie was going to pick you up at your house and then drive to the restaurant. But he was running late.

He texted:

My car hasn't moved for ten minutes

California traffic is impossible

There's been like 14 accidents lmao

It sucked that he was gonna be showing up later but you liked that he was letting you know what was up.

When he finally came, he showed up at the door and gave you a fat hug. Not to mention apologizing like five times and you reassuring that it was okay.

"Ready to ball out?" he asked eagerly.

"Let's go, I'm so hungry. I skipped lunch for this."

*skip until after dinner*

Vinnie said that he was going to the bathroom before y'all headed out. You told him that you'd meet him by the door.

Pulling your phone out, you causally check texts and walk towards the front door. You noticed that it had started to get dark outside, but it looked even darker because of the restaurant's tinted windows.

While glancing outside, you also noticed a large group of girls standing out there. You eyed them suspiciously only because they didn't look like they were about to come inside. Just hanging around the door.

When Vinnie came back, he was ready to go but a tall man in a suit came up to the both of you.

"Hi, excuse me. Are you Vinnie Hacker?"

He raised an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

"There are some young girls loitering around outside. I talked to them and they say that they're waiting on you."

Vinnie looked towards the window and his face noticeably fell when he saw all of them. There was even a paparazzi guy that showed up, cleaning off his camera lens.

"Listen, we care about the well-being of our customers," the guy told us when Vinnie turned to face him again. "So of you want to go out the back way, we can do that for you."

Vinnie pursed his lips together in though. You on the other hand wondered how they even found y'all. Looking around the restaurant, it was mainly adults who probably didn't know who you or Vinnie were, and didn't care to.

So who fucking snitched?

"No that's okay." Vinnie shook his head at the offer. "We'll go out this way."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Plus my car is right there anyway."

Hmm, maybe that's how they knew.

Who else had a yellow Rx7 with a Washington license plate?

Still, someone probably tweeted or something because of just how many girls were standing outside.

He let out a sigh, grabbed your hand and headed out the door. Immediately y'all were surrounded, camera flashes going off and everyone talking at once.

The main things you did hear was,



Vinnie Hacker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now