68. Radio Interview

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Plot: you interview Vinnie for a local radio station and he's a little nervous

You gathered up todays notes for the interview that would be taking place in about a half an hour. Nervousness and excitement flooded your body as you were given the opportunity to interview Vinnie Hacker this afternoon. He had come back home to Seattle for a little bit and agreed to sit down and talk.

It was a last minute decision though. You were just an intern and your boss had called you a few minutes prior to say that he was stuck in traffic and wouldn't make it on time.

It was now winter in Washington and the snow could be bad. Today was one of those days. So he'd asked if you could step up and take his place.

The jobs you did were normally behind the scenes so most of nerves came from the fact that you would have to make sure your communication skills were on point for not only Vinnie, but for anyone who would be listening in around the city.

"Vinnie is here." Your friend and partner Kevin told you. He was also gonna be in the room with y'all. He might ask a few questions here and there but he was mostly there for support.

You looked up from your laptop where you were getting yourself organized and Kevin stood in the doorway.

"Alright, let's let him in." You replied.

Kevin opened the door to reveal Vinnie standing right behind the door.

He was dressed in a white shirt, beige pants, a black hoodie in hand, and a black beanie on his head.

"What's up man," Kevin greeted him and they shook hands.

Vinnie then turns to you and introduces himself. You step forward, looking into his eyes. You both kind of freeze, staring at each other shaking hands. You finally break free, remembering that you're trying to be professional and you clear your throat.

"I'm Y/N, I'll be interviewing you today."

That seemed to break him out of his trance.

"Take a seat, grab a headset, and we will get started in a second." You told him.

Everyone found their spot and got comfortable. You turned to the monitor. A song by Khalid was about to end and you were timing it so that you'd start the show as the song ended.

Three, two, one...

"Welcome back to Hits 106.1, Seattle's new home for The Vibe. Today in the studio we have Seattle's own Vinnie Hacker! Welcome home and thanks for coming."

"Thanks for having me." He gives you a kind smile.

"So if y'all don't know, Vinnie is a hit on tik tok. He started two years ago and has amassed 12.5 million followers." You said into the microphone then looked at him. "And you're only 19 years old."

"Y'all I thought he was 21." Kevin spoke up and everyone laughed.

"I've gotten that quite a bit." Vinnie said. "People are surprised to know that I still have 'teen' in my age."

"You could probably get into a party while being underage."

"Don't tempt me." Vinnie joked.

"Speaking of that, I've heard that the LA life can be pretty wild sometimes. What was it like transitioning into that?" Kevin asked.

"Well I actually don't go out as much as people think. I mainly just sit in my room and play video games."

"Oh what do you play?"

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