12. He kisses you all of a sudden (pt.2)

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Later that night, Vinnie had offered that you stay in his room for the night. But before any uncomfortable thoughts could form in your head, he told you that you could have his whole bed and he would sleep on the floor.

You refused at first, not wanting Vinnie to feel like he was obligated to do anything, but he really didn't mind. So you agreed.

But the next morning, Vinnie woke up and he looked up from his spot and the floor and his breath hitched in his throat at the sight of you gone. The bed had been made and everything.

He jumped up, ran a hand through his hair, and thought of the worst case scenario. That you had really up and left as if nothing happened.

So many thoughts ran through his head as he went downstairs to the kitchen as he heard voices. He bumped into Thomas on the way in.

"You okay?" Thomas asked him as he saw the concerned look on Vinnie's face.

He couldn't form any words at the moment and just then, over Thomas' shoulder, he saw you and some of the other Hype House members making waffles on the counter.

He mentally sighed a breath of relief. "Yeah I'm good man."

You were leaning on the island in the middle of the kitchen and laughing at Sam's attempt to cook and Vinnie made his way over to you.

"Hi." He said shyly.


"I thought you left." He whispered in your ear.

"Can't leave without breakfast."

His eyes widened. "Oh wow okay then." He smiled.

You laughed. "I'm kidding. I wouldn't have done that."

"Great. Because I'd really like to get to know you better."

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