107. Conrad or Jeremiah

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Plot: an appropriately unhinged recap of "The Summer I Turned Pretty" for your YouTube channel with Vinnie

You had finished getting ready to film your newest Youtube video. After setting up your camera on your desk, you made sure the background was neat, that you looked decent, remembered to bring your notes, and then started your video.

"Hey what's up you guys, it's Y/N and welcome or welcome back to my channel. So for today's video we will be talking about the Amazon Prime show called The Summer I Turned Pretty. I saw a couple tik toks about it and people liked it so I decided, why not? I spent a whole day watching this and now I have things to talk about. It's about summer love and y'all know I'm here for that but it's was also giving very much 'the summer I turned messy' if you know what I mean."

You smiled as you talked, exciting to get into it.

You were barely finished with the intro when you heard your door opened and Vinnie came in and sat down behind you. And he was in camera frame.

"Um...I'm recording." You glanced back at him.

"I know, I wanna watch." he smirked.

You sighed and turned back around to the camera, trying to remember what you were going to say next because you lost your train of thought.

"Okay guys, as you can tell, Vinnie will be joining us back here." you said to the camera and moved out the frame a tad bit and he waved and said, "yo what's up guys?"

"So if you have not seen this show, it's basically about falling in love with your childhood best friend, and then his brother, and some other guy that you barely know and how doing all of this at the same time is problematic."

Vinnie proceeds to get up from his spot behind you and sits in the chair next to you.

"Okay, what are you doing now?" you ask.

He shrugged. "I changed my mind. I wanna talk about it too." Then he turned to the camera. "Yeah, I watched it. And what are you gonna do about it?"

"He actually did. I made him watch it with me. Congratulations to Vinnie for consuming media that is not Valorant." you laughed.


"So anyways, the story follows the main character Belly, and her real name is Isabelle. And she comes to this beach town with her mom and older brother to visit her childhood friend's and their mom like she's done every year."

Vinnie nods along and says, "But this summer it was different."

"This was the summer that she turned pretty." you added.

"It's so cliche though. All she did was take off her glasses, get the braces off, and take her hair out the ponytail." he shrugged.

"True, and also how they casually play into pretty privilege." you agreed. "Because now these people treat her differently."

"Not only that, but she finessed every guy in the show."

You laughed out loud.

"I'm serious! Besides her brother."

"Oh, and sorry, but there will be spoilers." You said to the camera. "So maybe go watch the show before this."

"Sorry not sorry because y'all should've been watched this show." Vinnie said.

"So to begin, Belly has this crush on Conrad, the older brother-" you started.

"-who doesn't give her the time of day because he has too much on his mind. I mean, his mom has cancer." Vinnie added.

"Wow, way to start off strong Vinnie."

"Exactly, thank you."

"But moving on, the other boys are Jeremiah, the younger brother and Steven, Belly's older brother, and Cam Cameron."

"Justice for Cam Cameron." Vinnie mumbled and shook his head and you looked over at him. "I liked him."

"Conrad was moody for his reasons but Jeremiah was cool."

"Jeremiah gives off 'where my hug at?' energy in some scenes."

"Steven wasn't my favorite." You say your opinion. "There was something going on with him. Other than the fact that he thought he wasn't good enough for Shayla, which is his girlfriend by the way."

"Do you remember when he was in the card room with the older white men and one of them says something racist?" Vinnie asked.

"Oh yeah." You nodded.

"You could tell he was taken aback by it and I thought he was gonna say something and have a redemption arc, but nothing ever came from that."


For the next half hour, you and Vinnie spent the time talking more about the show, what you liked and didn't like, and even pulled up clips to give commentary and make jokes on specific scenes.

During the charity volleyball tournament scene, Vinnie mentioned how he always wanted to actually learn how to play. And how in high school, they had a net in the gym but no one was playing for real.

"It's so fun." You told him. "I'll teach you one day."

"You and me on the same team for sure." He said.

You made sure to screen record the clips y'all were watching so then so you could add them into the video when you edit later.

"Is it just me or is Jeremiah lowkey manipulative?" He asked. "Like he didn't seem to like her until he realized he wasn't the center of attention. I don't know and y'all can drag me in the comments, I don't give a shit."

"No you may have a point there. I don't know, I think just it's hard to tell." You replied.

"I'm probably wrong but it's whatever."

"Come on, Conrad was the one that wanted to go to the drive in to see Belly and Cam Cameron."

"Oh yeah, that's was so weird. Like bro, what were you thinking?" He sighed and put his hands over his face. "And another thing, I knew they'd end up together, but I do feel bad for Jeremiah. And she can only be with one of them."


You tried to stop rambling about random information and finally got to filming the outro for the video.

You realized that you had recorded without cuts and you knew this would be a long task to try and edit. Not only because it was basically one long video, but you and Vinnie were talking all over the place and you had to edit the video to make it seem as if y'all were talking in order and it was organized.

You shouldn't have known it wasn't going to be though. But that's okay. You were laughing with him so much during the time and it was going to be fun to edit it.

But nonetheless, you really loved having Vinnie be in your video, as he was technically never in one before, and you knew your subscribers would be in for a surprise when you finally post it.

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