87. Power outage

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Plot: the power goes out during a storm

*something short*

You were in the middle of doing homework, listening to the sound of thunder every so often, but all of a sudden there was a weird noise and the lights turned off. It took you a second to realize what just happened and when you did, you let out an exasperated sigh.

"You've got to be kidding me." You mumbled.

You couldn't finish the rest of your assignment because the power being out meant that the wifi was down too. Oh well, it's not like it was due tonight.

Instead of being cooped up in your room, you went downstairs to see what the others were up to.

You heard Jack groan from the kitchen. He was about to make dinner when the power cut off. Ingredients and supplies were set up on the island counter.

He had turned on the flashlight that was on his phone and so did you for extra light.

"You hungry?" He asked when you came into view.

"Sure I could eat."

"Well there's cereal in the pantry." He told while returning all his items to their spots. "Where's Vinnie?"

"He's at the warehouse with Jett. I haven't told him that the power was out." You responded and started lighting candles. Vinnie was going to be pleasantly surprised. You smiled to yourself, already imagining what his reaction could be.

You just hoped it would come back quickly. You never realize how much you can't do when there's no electricity.

It's been about an hour and it still wasn't back on. Vinnie and Jett finally returned to the house, hair and clothes wet from walking in the rain which by the way has started coming down harder. You were just thankful that they got home safe and not stuck somewhere.

"Welcome back!" You smiled at them. "We have no power."

"Are you serious?" Jett questioned. You nodded.

"Fuck." Vinnie mumbled. "Ugh, I'm gonna go change out of these clothes. I'll be right back."

He left and you, Jett, and Jack lit candles and found flashlights to have as much light as possible and tried to find things to eat that didn't need to be heated up by electricity.

Vinnie came back downstairs, shirtless with sweatpants on. He opened up one of his three boxes of Lucky Charms and poured some in a bowl. You took a seat on the stool next to him.

Vinnie started telling you what he and Jett did at the warehouse. You really didn't understand much because she was talking about the cars but he was making progress on whatever it was and looking at him so proud and smiling made you so happy. You rested your chin under your hand and admired him glowing under the candlelight.

"What?" He asked, catching you looking.


"Think fast." He said and suddenly threw one of the marshmallows at you to try to catch on your mouth.

You did not think fast and it ended up on the floor.

"You literally suck."

"You love me though." You smiled and kissed him. He kissed you back put pulled away and gestured to the camera mounted on the ceiling behind you.

"They're watching." He whispered. "Let's go over there."

He led you to the couch in the living room and y'all got comfortable in pretty much all darkness. The only source of light right here were the lights outside the house by the driveway and they could be seen from the windows.

While laying on his shoulder, y'all watched random YouTube videos for laughs while he had his arm around your shoulder and twirled a piece of your hair around his finger, while occasionally giving each other kisses and making sure other people weren't around.

Something about being sneaky with him in this moment in the dark was fun. Like two kids who are dating but don't want their friends to know.

"Get a room." Jack laughed as he passed by from a few feet behind the couch.

"Why don't you go to yours?"

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