94. Coachella Valley

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Plot: trip to the desert

This one is set up more like things that happened, not in a story form if that's okay.

-You found out that you were going because Vinnie surprised you with tickets.

-Reggie also got the chance to come since his days off from school landed on the first weekend, so it was good to see him.

-Lowkey stressing about what outfits to wear

-Vinnie looks good. You tell him that he looks like someone that you'd see on vacation and then never again.

-your whole friend group taking multiple pictures before you can even leave the house.

-after arriving, y'all walk around for about four miles before heading back to the house because it's just that hot. Plus, Vinnie got sunburnt already

-holding Vinnie's hand because the amount of people here all at once gives you anxiety at first

-once it gets cooler outside, y'all head back and grab food and get ready to see Harry Styles

-Vinnie would kneel down and let you get on his shoulders for a pic

-you both laughed as you knew you were a shit dancer, but once that high hits, you begin to loosen up

-jumping and dancing to Harry Styles, singing proudly

-the crowd around y'all would sneak pictures

-someone pickpocketed Reggie's phone but they got away too quickly. Then, someone tried to take your wallet and Vinnie was about ready to throw hands in front of thousands of people

-a group of girls about your age came up to Vinnie asking for a picture. You step to the side, a habit when Vinnie would take pictures with fans, but they immediately invite you in

-Vinnie would kiss you often, not caring who's watching. But Reggie would make fun of you two

-you mentioned that one night of this would good enough for you. But Vinnie is lowkey gonna force you to enjoy all three days because he spent a lot of money on the Airbnb and will not let it go to waste

-finally going home to get three hours of sleep and then wake up and do it again for the next two days

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