106. Clingy vinnie

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"I'm a very affectionate person, actually. And I'm overly affectionate."

-Vinnie Hacker

"I'm exhausted." Vinnie sighed as he laid his head against the pillow.

"You and me both." you replied, looking down on him as he snuggled into your side. "Could use some elbow room though."

"You'll be alright."

You really didn't care anyway. Turning your attention back to the tv, you began flipping channels again.

Vinnie rested his head on your shoulder and his arm wrapped around your waist.

He felt so warm.

The overhead lights were off and the only light source was coming from the tv screen. You looked down at him and could fairly see his eyes closing in the semi-darkness.

Being cheeky, he proceeded to put his hand under your shirt and softly rub on your midriff. And you immediately shifted under his touch.

"What's wrong?" He asks, voice raspy.

"Just tickled me a little bit."

He chuckled and tried to pull you closer. If that was even possible. Plus, his leg was nearly on top of yours anyway.

It's like you couldn't focus on watching tv anymore. You wanted to turn it off to just lay in his arms.

In turn, you wrapped an arm around his head, playing with his hair before rubbing his back and making sure your nails slightly scratch him.

"Mhm...don't stop." He told you.

"...I wasn't going to."

Vinnie Hacker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now