122. Waiting on you

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Based off When You're Ready by Shawn Mendes

"I was selfish for being with him. I was in a really bad place and it started to affect my, our, relationship. So I took a step back. Vinnie waited for me, as he always promised. We came back when we were both ready."


He probably had one too many drinks, but fuck it. It was what he needed right now.

Everyone sat around the fire pit, talking, laughing, playing the guitar a little bit. A way to celebrate the purchase of the new house, it was like a small house warming party with all of them together. Jett found out that you were going to be in the area for the first time in forever, so he invited you last second. Vinnie didn't even know you were going to be here until he saw Jett greeting you at the front door a few hours prior.

When your eyes met and he saw the gentle glow from the fire illuminate your face, it was a solid reminder that you were in fact sitting across from him.

You were able to see Jack and Jett again, along with his girlfriend, and you got to meet their new friends Adam, Max, Max's girlfriend Maykayla and her friend Taylor.

The night continued into early morning as you caught up with the people you knew and got to know the ones you didn't. Even finding yourself looking at Vinnie from time to time.

Jack then announced that he was tired and would he going inside. One by one, everyone else went after him. You lagged behind picking up the drink glasses and other items. Although you really didn't need to since you were the guest, but you didn't mind.

After picking them up and setting them down in the kitchen, you wiped your hands on your pants.

"I wish I'd known you were gonna be here."

Your body went stiff and you looked over and saw Vinnie standing in the doorway, seemingly hesitant like he didn't want to walk in, until he did, taking a deep breath.

"I assumed Jett was going to tell you." You replied.

Vinnie nodded understandingly and walked up to the kitchen island where he stood across from you. You two stared at each other for a moment. It's really something how much people can change in Beale two years.

"How have you been?" He finally asked.

"Good. School's been school. What about you. I heard about you joining one hundred thieves a while ago."

"It's pretty fun. We're actually filming something in a couple days."

You nodded and crossed your arms over your chest, like that was gonna stop your heart from beating fast. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." He whispered. "Sorry for the way it ended."

"You don't have to apologize." You told him and he ran a hand through his hair nervously.


The last time you saw Vinnie was over a year and a half ago. You had met Vinnie through mutual friends, and you two were closest out of everyone.

It was more than a summer time fling. With you and Vinnie in close proximity all day and doing nearly everything together, it's like it solidified the interest you felt in one another.

Strange, because you both had told yourselves previously that you didn't want a relationship at the moment. Although you never told each other that.

It was when you went back home to Brooklyn when things started to fall apart.

How naïve of you two to think that the long distance thing would work.

Not only the distance and time zone difference, but you were both becoming busier with your respective schedules: you with school and him with social media, gaming and modeling.

Texting and facetiming everyday made it more bearable. You couldn't visit LA that much because of how demanding your school schedule was, so Vinnie came to New York as often as he could. But it wasn't the same. Mentally and emotionally, you didn't think you could do it, and that killed you. You couldn't be a good girlfriend to him right now.

"I wanna be with you, but I don't wanna hurt you." you had told him the last time he came to see you.

The tears in his eyes broke the surface and they ran down his face silently. He sniffed and looked up in an attempt to keep the tears at bay.

"You know I love you." he whispered. "I flew to New York to get you back and I'd do it again."

He thought about that day often. He was confused, and sometimes angry. That maybe you were lying to him. That you were just trying to not hurt his feelings, but you'd get with someone else soon after.

But deep down, he knew you better than that.


In the following time after you officially parted ways, you saw so much of Vinnie's success online. How much he's done. He was even in New York just a couple weeks ago. Yes, you were a little disappointed at first that he didn't reach out, but you understood why he didn't. It wouldn't have been fair to either of you. And now you were right in front of him, but you didn't want to throw yourself at him in any way.

Your whole body seemed to be vibrating with energy.

"So..." he started. "You in a relationship or anything?"

You shook your head no and looked down. "You?"

"No," he mumbled and looked out to the darkness through the kitchen window. You don't know how you would feel if Vinnie were to have feelings strong enough to be with someone else. But you weren't in a place to judge.

You cleared your throat. "Well, what about Taylor?" you suggested, referring to Makayla's friend. "She seems interested in you."

By the look on his face, you knew it was a ridiculous proposition.

"Not at all." he said quickly. "I mean, she comes over a lot. And, we didn't sleep together or anything...but we made out heavily once."

Your eyes widened. "Why would you mess with her?"

Vinnie scoffed. "I told her from the jump I wasn't into her like that. But she's actually good at getting us drunk."

He came closer next to you, close enough to where your arms touched and he crossed his arms over his chest.

You tsked and turned from him, fiddling with the glasses. He took one and dried it off for you.

"I got it."

He shrugged. "It's my house. It's the least I could do."

"Maybe you could work it out with her." You said, going back to the previous subject. "Have you ever thought about-"

"No." he cut you off.

"But I mean-"

"What?" he asked as his eyes burned into yours. "You think I wanna settle? Just be in a relationship since it's better than nothing?"

"Well in general, if you like someone, don't let our past hold you back."

"Hold me back? That's exactly what I wanted. You told me that you couldn't be with me because of where we were at the time. So I waited. I figured one day we would both be ready to come back together. I didn't wanna be with someone else because it was 'good enough' at the time."

The kitchen lights then turned on rather suddenly, you and Vinnie both blinking to adjust to the harsh light.

Jett stood at the entryway, staring back at you both.

"It's late." Jett simply stated, but his facial features let you know that he was about to ask more questions.

"Yeah it is." you agreed before he could say anything else. You glanced at Vinnie briefly before walking away, and you heard his footsteps behind you.

And knowing Vinnie, he'd be knocking on your door to finish this conversation.

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