58. Spooky Szn

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Plot: You and Vinnie go to New Orleans for Halloween (requested)

Halloween was one of Vinnie's favorite holidays and you had the idea to take him to New Orleans for it.

Here, it's different. In the Crescent City, Halloween is only second to Mardi Gras. People come up with clever costumes, there's so many decorations around the city, and the parties are crazy.

Not to mention, New Orleans is one of the most haunted cities in America.

*Your POV*

"Stop moving your eyes, you're gonna make me mess up." I told Vinnie as he sat down in a chair and did his eyeliner.

We both didn't have an actual costume to wear for tonight, but we opted for wearing black eyeliner, black nail polish, dark clothes, and silver jewelry.

"Sorry." He replied with a sly smirk.

He loves to annoy me.

"Okay....and done." I closed the eyeliner and handed him the mirror.

"Looks great." He gave me his nod of approval. I even gave him a cross on his eyebrow.

We weren't going to a costume party or anything, just walked the streets and seeing what they had to offer. And although we didn't have a costume, we still wanted to "dress up".

We took a look at ourselves in the mirror, I smiled at our matching outfits. We looked so powerful together. I admired Vinnie while he was fixing his hair and putting a bandana on it to keep it out of his face. It's been so long since he last wore eyeliner. He looked so good.

It was around 9 pm when we headed out the Airbnb and started to walk. Vinnie wanted to bring the car but the streets are already really narrow, there wouldn't be many parking spaces, and there were people walking the street. So that was a no.

We finally found Magazine Street and it looked just like a neighborhood. A lot of what looked like houses were actually business.

Our plan was to start here and walk to Frenchmen Street and see what we could find on the way.

It wasn't long until we saw the first sighting. It was pretty dark out with nothing but street lights and the light from the moon at first.

Vinnie was in the middle of saying something when we heard the loud sound of a chainsaw going off. I screamed and clutched his waist. He put an around around me tightly and that's when we saw people standing there.

It took me a second to realize that we were right in front of a fire station and the people walking around it were the firemen who worked there. They were in costume, but their costume was their uniform, a mask on their face, and tools in their hands like shovels and I saw the guy with the chainsaw. They didn't say a word and I could feel them looking at us even though I couldn't see their eyes. It looked like a scene straight out of The Purge.

"Yooo that's sick!" Vinnie called out to them, laughing and I started to feel myself calming down and laughing too. Right then I knew that people were telling the truth when they say that people in this city take Halloween seriously.

After that encounter, we found a costume shop and I excitedly pulled Vinnie inside.

"Hi welcome in!" The lady at the counter greeted us. She had a 3D spider legs drawn on her eye and it was so cool.

"Hi." Me and Vin said simultaneously and smiled at her.

"Are you wanting something in particular?" She asked.

"No just looking."

"Well my name is Dani if y'all need anything."

"Thank you."

There was so much to look at. They had everything from hats, wigs, makeup, and outfits on racks.

Something catches Vinnie's attention and he goes over to whatever it is. I stay where I am and look through the clothing. I see an oversized Saints football jersey and on top of this rack, there's a Michael Myers mask.

I put them down and scan the room for Vinnie when I see him on the other side of the room, staring at me with a bull's head on.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed and put a hand over my chest to keep from having a full on heart attack.

We both burst out laughing in the store and he walks over to me.

"It's cool right?" He poses in front of a mirror.

"It's giving American Horror Story."

"We're currently filming season eleven: Bastien returns."

(Author note: iykyk)

Leave it to Vinnie to find something like that.

We're laughing so loud, I look around to make sure we aren't bothering anyone else. Turns out, we're the only customers and Dani at the front desk hears us and it smiling to herself at the sound of us having fun.

We head out the store and continue walking. We had to hit up Cafe Du Monde for beignets and take a breather. They were nice and hot when we got them. We sat at a table farthest away from everyone else so we could feel alone. It was such a cute place also.

"What?" I asked Vinnie as I caught him looking at me while I ate.

"You got powered sugar on your lips." He laughed, pulled my chair close to him and kissed me to get it off.

He is so adorable.

As we left, a couple girls, about 17 years old, recognized Vinnie and wanted to get a picture. I stepped aside to let them have their moment.

"Wait Y/N come get in the shot." One girl told me.

The others agreed and waved me over. Vinnie smiled widely at the gesture.

After getting a stranger to take the pictures, we hugged and went our separate ways.

Our last stop was Frenchman street. There were lots of people out, wearing their costumes and socializing. As we walked, we admired the decorations. The businesses went all out with skeletons in the front, lights, fake tombstones, and jack-o-lanterns.

I turned to find Vinnie with his phone out, directly at me, probably recording or taking pictures.

"Stop." I covered my face with my hand.

"No no no you look so pretty." He laughed.

There was also a small grassy area nearby with little kids playing around and the parents watching over them from afar.

It was so nice to see everyone so happy.

Jazz music started to play and I told Vinnie I wanted to see who was playing. He instinctively grabbed my hand and pulled through the crowd to where the music was coming from.

There was a group of guys on the sidewalk with their instruments and people had already gathered around to watch them.

There was a group of guys on the sidewalk with their instruments and people had already gathered around to watch them

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Vinnie hugged me from behind as we listened to the music. I held onto his arms and he softly kissed the side of my head.


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