37. Pt. 2 to "catching flights..."

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It's been about a month and a half of you and Vinnie seeing each other. You two aren't dating but you definitely have a thing going on.

As far as the whole keychain mishap went, you and Vinnie came to a mutual agreement to keep each other's.

During the one month time frame, the thing y'all liked to do the most was go on drives. Going to the beach was a favorite spot.

When Vinnie found out that you were in college, you snuck him on campus and gave him a tour of the school so he could get an idea of what a day was like for you. Actually, you didn't have to sneak him on campus because he is in the average age range of the people who go there so it didn't seem suspicious at all.

He even picked you up from school once when your car was in the shop for a few hours.

Vinnie wanted to keep you to himself for a while, so he didn't give any hints to the public or even his friends that he liked someone.

But of course people noticed things here and there.

Thomas saw that Vinnie would be coming back home late at night after being out all day and then sleeping until 1 pm.

Jack noticed that Vinnie seemed to be dressing nicer (rather than sweats and a hoodie) whenever he said he'd be going somewhere.

His fans on tik tok noticed that he seemed to be "hitting different" in his recent videos and many of them joked that he was trying to impress someone.

One time, Vinnie was doing a stream and he got up from his chair to use the bathroom. He let Jett sit there for the time being. While he was talking to the chat, he noticed the keychain.

The one with your name on it.

He picked it up to get a better look and was confused.

When Vinnie came back, Jett was quick to ask about it.

"Where did you get this from?" He asked. "Who's Y/N?"

Vinnie felt his face get hot as he literally asked that on camera in front of the chat.

When it came to girls, he knew how his fans were and that's the main reason he wanted to keep it private for a while.

"Someone gave it to me."

Which wasn't technically a lie. You did let him have it.

"Oh okay." Jett said and let Vinnie take his seat back.

DJ who was laying on the bed said, "he probably got a girlfriend."

He said it to Jett as he walked by. It was just a joke in DJ's mind but it was loud enough for Vinnie to hear. Vinnie had his headphones on though, and acted like he didn't.

Vinnie had been getting some fan mail recently so it wasn't too out of the ordinary. But still.

Another day, Vinnie and Jett were out running errands and Vinnie pulled into a gas station.

"This is like, you're fifth time filling up the tank this month. Where have you been going?" Jett asked.

"Rides." Vinnie responded, shrugged. He felt like he got caught again though, which he kinda did but hoped Jett wouldn't question him further.

He didn't, but he did think it was weird.

A couple days later, the members of the Hype House decided to go to San Diego for two days. Vinnie asked if you wanted to come but you were hesitant not only because you had school, but also because you didn't even know the other people.

But he convinced you that you could miss a few days of instruction and that everyone would be down to hang with you.

So fine. You agreed to go. But now Vinnie had to let everyone know that he was bringing a plus one. He really should have asked before inviting you but it was done now.

"Hey Thomas," Vinnie said as he walked into the kitchen where Thomas was. "Can I ask you something?"

"Hey bro what's up?"

Vinnie sat down on a stool across from him.

"So, we're going to San Diego. And I was wondering if....maybe I could...you know...bring someone along."

"Um, like who?"

"A friend."

"Someone we know?"

"No. Someone that I've been kinda...hanging out with."

"I mean sure. That's fine with me." Thomas shrugged.

Vinnie felt relieved. Although he didn't know why he was nervous to ask him. Thomas isn't hard to get along with.

The day finally came and Vinnie drove to pick you up from your house and brought you to the Hype House so you could ride with them.

Vinnie introduced you to everyone. You felt a little intimidated but he was by your side the whole time.

Everyone seemed so nice right off the bat but the last thing they expected was for Vinnie to bring a girl over. Although they kept that to themselves.

The ride there was not that eventful to be honest. You sat in the car with Michael, Alex, Jett, Jack, and Vinnie, with you and Vinnie in the back together.

When the rest of the gang met you at the house that y'all were renting, Mia asked if you wanted to share a room with her and you agreed.

Dinner was later that night and in the meantime, some people went shopping, some went to the beach, and the remainder of y'all went to go hang by the the hot tub that over looked the beach.

Coming out in your bikini, you hadn't even noticed the boys looking in your direction.

"Damn Y/N," Jack called out to you, laughing.

(Now Jack you know good and well...)

Jett hit him on the arm but Vinnie didn't even realize you were there until Jack said your name because he was sitting down looking at his phone.

Jett hit him on the arm but Vinnie didn't even realize you were there until Jack said your name because he was sitting down looking at his phone

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You met his eyes and smiled as you walked over to him.

"You look great." He whispered in your ear.

It took everything in you to maintain a calm face.

"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself."

He walked you out to the balcony where the hot tub was so you two could be along, away from the curious eyes of his friends.

"How do you like everything so far?" He asked.

"Everything and everyone is so nice. Thanks for inviting me."

"I'm glad we get to spend some time together."

He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek but right then was when Jett came out to say something about dinner.

"Hey, Thomas said to be ready at-"

He stopped when he saw Vinnie's lips on your cheek in what was obviously a private moment and he immediately felt bad for interrupting.

"You know what? Nevermind. I should..go. Yeah."

You both laughed at his awkwardness.

"I'll deal with him later." Vinnie said.

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