127. catching up

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Plot: you run into Vinnie after breaking up three years ago

Take out bag in hand from the pick up counter, focused on nothing and no one as you walked through the restaurant as you ordered an Uber to go back to the Airbnb.

But there he was, and he recognized you as you walked past each other. You didn't even realize.


You nearly tripped over your own two feet and almost bumped into someone upon hearing your name called. You step aside and with a confused expression, you turn around to the direction of the voice.

"Vinnie." You breathed out.

Before you could even process what was happening, he walked up and pulled you into a hug. Closing your eyes, you hugged him back.

"I can't believe it's you." He said and pulled away. "You look amazing."

"Yeah, so do you."

He's definitely filled out since the last time you saw him. He had more muscle, he grew out his hair, it was also more of his natural color, his previously bare hands were covered in tattoos and you knew he had more, and you swore he got a tad bit taller.

"God, it's been a while."

You pursed your lips. "Three years..."


"What do you mean you're going to LA?" you asked him in disbelief.

"I just think this would be a good opportunity for me."

"You make random videos for fun. It's not a job."

"Not yet, but who knows, I could make a career out of this."

"Since when do you wanna be some entertainer? You've never mentioned anything like that." you argued back. "But that wasn't the plan. We're supposed to be going to college together. I was so happy when we both got accepted, but now you spring this on me a month before school starts?"

He sighed. "I know. I'm sorry, but having contacts out there could help push my modeling. And maybe I could get into acting. I've always wanted to try that."

"Again, you never mentioned that."

"Well maybe I kept my mouth shut because there would be no opportunity like that for me here in Seattle!" He raised his voice in frustration. "And now, I have it and I wanna take it."

You felt the tears forming in your eyes and tried to keep yourself together. Part of the reason was that you were just such a perfectionist, planning for things in the future, and when they don't go as planned, you don't know what to do.

Also, to you, it wasn't wise of him to just up and go. Sure, having one million followers was impressive, but, so what? Plus, he didn't have that much money. He's just hoping it all works out.

Vinnie left two days after his 18th birthday. You couldn't believe he actually got on that plane. No, you didn't like it, but you accepted it for what it was.

"So, how's school going?" Vinnie asked.

You two had moved over to the side of the entrance doors and leaned against the wall so you wouldn't be in other people's way.

"Um...you know, going into my last year. It's exciting."

"Still interior design?" he asked.

You nodded.

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