52. Wandering Hands

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Plot: you took Vinnie's advice to try to get into modeling but it doesn't go well

Trigger warning: minor sexual assault situation

Vinnie had first came to you with the idea of modeling after you worked on his latest Purgatory shoot with him.

You had shrugged it off but he was dead serious as he thought it would be something you'd genuinely be interested in.

"There's a guy I used to work with when I first came here. I can talk to him if you want." he told you.

After thinking about it for a while, you decided to take him up on his offer. There was no harm in trying it. And if you didn't like it, you didn't have to do it.

He had taken you to the studio in Beverly Hills and met the guy who's name was Mr. Jackson.

He was more than happy to help you get a portfolio started. Nothing to serious, but just some pictures to get you started.

Stepping in, you meet the other people in his agency and they were all super nice and welcoming.

Mr. Jackson wasted no time getting you ready in a different outfit, getting your hair done and taking the shots.

As you got the pictures done, he stood in the background and watched. Something about it made you a bit uncomfortable, but you couldn't pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was just intimidating that he was watching so closely and this was your first time doing something like this.

Anyway, you shrugged it off.

He told you that the pictures came out great and he "can't wait to see more of what you had to offer".

Vinnie had come back to pick you up after.

A few weeks later, Mr. Jackson told you that there was going to be a casting for a skin care brand coming up. It was also going to be out of state and that was exciting because you hadn't been on a plane in a while.

"Guess where it is?" You told Vinnie when you got home.



"Wait no way?" He exclaimed. "Ahh I wish I could go with you!"

"I'll be fine on my own." You joke.

Mr. Jackson told you that he had bought your plane ticket along with his and another girls. You found that odd because you just assumed that everyone would go separately but meet up at the hotel later. Not only that, but he didn't have to go out of his way to pay for your flight but you appreciated it.

The day to go to Washington came and the flight was early in the morning. Vinnie drove you but was a little late because of traffic.

"Vinnie drove you?" Mr. Jackson asked.



You were taken aback by how he asked. Almost like he was....jealous?

"Because he wanted to."

Maria and Nate told you that you were welcome to stay with them but you couldn't since everyone was supposed to stay at the Hilton so that everyone could stay together.

You'd met Vinnie's family before when they came to celebrate his birthday in LA but this was your first time in Seattle. You wish he could have been here too.

The casting started off in the afternoon and didn't take as long as you thought. You were given a card which essentially looked like a brochure with your name, age, height, and sample pictures to give to the casting agents.

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