32. Not what you thought it was

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Plot: you are a singer who drops a song that becomes extremely popular and your ex boyfriend Vinnie thinks it's about him

Being a musician was hard. Especially a new one. Over the last few years, you'd dropped a few songs here and there, just trying to get your foot into the industry.

Now, it was more serious. You were actually signed to a label now and dropped your first single called "Back to you".

When it was first put out, it had a little bit of a slow start as far as getting noticed. But after two weeks of being out, it shot to the #3 spot on the Billboard and was in the top 10 for the next couple weeks. It was getting lots of radio play and even became a trending sound on tik tok.

Overall, people genuinely liked the song and you started gaining more attention.

You knew it was a big deal when you went on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

"So let's talk about this," Jimmy said, holding up the cover for the single. "I mean this is major. How do you feel?"

You smiled. "I'm very happy that everyone is loving the song. It's one of my favorites off the album. I knew from the start that the song was special and I obviously wanted it to do well, but all of the attention nothing like I would have imagined and it's great."

"Who did you work with in the studio?" He asked.

"I had the pleasure of having Pharrell as the producer. I've been a fan of his work for so long and it's surreal that we were partners on this."

"Well I'm happy for you. Also, I have to bring this up." He said with a smirk.

You laughed. "Uh oh, what's up?"

"You were in a public relationship with tik tok personality, Vinnie Hacker. I know we haven't heard any other songs yet, but did he inspire any of them?"

If you weren't nervous before, you definitely were now.

"Um...I think when anyone is doing creative work, especially with songs, taking things from personal experience is very common and seems to make it more powerful in my opinion."

You know you didn't exactly answer the question but it's true.

He nodded. "That's a good way to look at it. What a about any more singles off the album?"

"The next single is coming out really soon, so keep an eye out for that."

"Well Y/N thank you so much for being on the show." Jimmy says and turns to the audience. "Y/N Y/L/N everybody! She will be performing 'Back to you' when we come back."

****** a few days later

"You're appearance on the show was so good!" Your manager told you.

"You've been telling me for the past two days." You laughed.

"I'm just saying, people love you. Oh and that reminds me, you have another interview in a couple days, for a local radio station. And I wanna get you a brand deal. But for now, just relax for the day, I'll talk to you soon." She said and opened your house door to walk out.

Just as she did, she saw Vinnie standing there, his fist up because he was just about to knock on the door.

"Well this is a surprise. Hi Vinnie." Your manager said.

Vinnie rubbed the back of his neck shyly. "Hey. Um, is Y/N available? I mean if not that's okay-"

"Vinnie?" You interrupted. "Hey."

"I'm gonna go." Your manager announced.

She left. You motioned for Vinnie to come in and shut the door behind him.

"I hope you don't mind me showing up like this."

You shook your head. "It's cool. You want something to drink?"

"Yeah I'll take a water."

You got one out the fridge and handed it to him then went to the couch. "What's up?"

You and Vinnie broke up a more than 6 months ago. It didn't end badly, you just felt like the timing was wrong.

"I saw you on Jimmy Fallon. Just thought I'd tell you in person that I'm really proud of you." He sat on the couch next to you. "I know you've been working your ass off."

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

"I also think the new song is dope. I had no idea you felt that way."


"Me. Us."

You sat there not knowing what to say for a second. "I...I didn't write the song."


"I didn't write it." You repeated. "I mean, I helped with maybe a line here or there and some beats but yeah someone else wrote it."

Vinnie sat back. He felt bad and maybe a little embarrassed that he assumed.

"Oh." Was all he had to say. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

"It's okay. I can see why you thought that. And to be honest with you, I think about you when I sing it."

His head shot up. "Really?"

"Yeah. Even though I didn't write it, a lot of the lyrics are relevant to you and I."

"Well that makes me feel a little bit better." He laughed lightly.

You two sat in silence for a second before Vinnie started leaning in to kiss you. You met him halfway. He put his hand on your cheek softly and you kissed. You can't lie, you enjoyed it and you know he did too.

"So where does this leave us now?" He asked once you pulled away.

"Wanna go out tonight?" You smiled.

He smiled back. "I'll drive the rx7. I know how much you liked it."

Vinnie Hacker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now