114. Tatted

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Plot: You get your first tattoo

The idea of a tattoo had been on your mind forever. But in reality, you weren't lo sure if you wanted one. Second guessing yourself with thoughts like, "Do I really want this?", and "What if it doesn't come out right?"

Ultimately you decided, fuck it, you were gonna do it.

When you told Vinnie, his eyes lit up. He was so excited for you, obviously.

You told him that you had been looking around at different parlors but there was no way he was letting you go to some random place. He insisted that you go to Arbel, the woman that has done all of his ink since he loved to LA.

He helped you get an appointment with her. She was booked up for the next two months and usually people had to submit a form when they want to book with her. But because Vinnie was a frequent client and friend, she made an exception. Perks.

In two days, you'd be getting your tattoo. Vinnie was enthusiastic, showing you different ideas but you had to remind him that you were getting one thing. One small thing.

"The only thing I'm concerned about is how much it would hurt." you told him.

He shrugged. "It depends on location and how high your pain tolerance is. Like this," he grabbed a mechanical pencil and gestured for you to give him your hand. He pressed the lead down like he was drawing.

"That's so uncomfortable." you retracted.

"It may not feel like that but it gives you an idea."

The afternoon of your appointment, Vinnie ushered you to the couch inside the warehouse as that's where it would be taking place.

"I can't believe you're just now getting some ink."

You got comfortable in your seat. " Well it would've been sooner if I could have made up my mind."

Arbel set up her equipment and smiled to herself as she listen to you and Vinnie talk.

"So what are you getting today?" she asked and put on her black gloves.

You showed her the picture saved in your camera roll. A small black diamond on the underside of the wrist.

"That's cute!" she exclaimed. "I like you. You make things easy for me unlike your boyfriend."

Vinnie rolls his eyes and scoffs.

You turn to lay your head on the arm of the couch while Arbel brings her chair over to you. Vinnie has a huge smile on his face.

She sanitizes the area and does the outline all until she pulls out the gun with the permanent ink. That's when the nerves start to kick in.

Like oh shit, this is really happening.

Vinnie hovers over you on the other side of the couch. "Do you wanna hold-"

You nodded without hesitating and grab his hand. Every so often, he'd give you a reassuring squeeze.

You look over at your wrist, watching Arbel being very focused. Then she noticed you watching.

"You know, most people tend to look away."

"It's actually not as bad as I thought."

"You're doing great." Vinnie chimes in.

When she finishes, you quickly look at her work. She did so good, looks just like the picture.

"Oh my god!" you gasp, covering your mouth with your hand. Vinnie is amused by your reaction. "It's great!" You nearly put your wrist in his face so he can get a better look.

Arbel then puts a sterile bandage around it. It creates an occlusive seal, so no air gets in and out. And makes sure that the temperature on the skin stays constant so it doesn't create a breeding ground for bacteria. Ultimately, protecting the tattoo while it's still fresh.

"Oh fuck, now I have to tell my mom."

"You didn't tell her you were getting a tattoo?!" Vinnie questions.

You shake your head.

"Oohh you're gonna be in trouble."

"Why don't we call your mom?"

He laughs. "My mom already knows about mine. She doesn't care...anymore."

"I meant we can tell her about mine."

"Stop stalling. I dare you to Facetime your mom right now."

He was right. Might as well get it over with.

You pull your phone out your back pocket and call her. But hoping that she's at work and can't talk. Nope.

"Hey mom."

"Hi Y/N, how are you?"

"I'm good, I wanted to show you something."


You hesitate for a moment just giving her a smile and she looks confused. "Stay calm, okay?"

"Don't make me nervous now. It's nothing bad is it?"

"No." You laugh nervously.

You held up your wrist to the camera and she brought her face closer to the phone to see better.

"What did you do?" she asked, but the tone of her voice gave away that fact that she knew.

"It's real." you said, still holding it up and Vinnie, out of frame, caressed it with his fingers, which she could see on screen and you yanked your arm away. "Stop, it hurts."

Your mom sighed on the other end.

"Do you like it?" you asked, really curious.

"Yeah...it looks nice." she replied. You could tell she wanted to say more but held her tongue back. You were an adult after all.

"Now Vinnie," she started. "Don't influence her."

"Hey!" he blurt out in defense open-mouthed, wondering how in the hell she knew he was right there.

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