Chapter 8

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Kai's POV

Ever since she got here ive been staring at her ,i don't know why i cant get myself to stop thinking about her, i tried having sex with Arian but my mind always drifted to her .Malia , she is always on my fucking mind and i can't tell why.

I'm seated with Arian and my hands are in her shirt palming her small breasts trying to get myself turned on but i cant and that's when i hear her soft voice, even over the loud music i can still here her soft voice .

I see her talking to Ryan with a smile that makes my heart melt , she has a girl next to her and i see Ryan staring at her friend. This whole time i'm looking at her but she doesn't turn to look at me and this has been going on for the past two months where she pretends like i dont exist.

"Baby lets get out of here." Arian says as she tries to kiss me but i push her back since she is blocking my view of Malia. When i turn back to where she was standing, i find her gone and spot Ryan and the girl with dreads talking and if i'm not mistaken she is blushing.

I keep looking for Malia but i dont see her so i assume maybe she left.

After sometime , i go into the kitchen to get myself more water since i dont drink and that's when i spot her dancing with Marcus , he is on the football team and i dont like him at all, not even one bit.
I keep my eyes on them but i can tell Malia looks drunk  i remember Charlotte mentioned she didnt drink. I say to myself.

As i'm getting back to my seat, that's when i see Marcus push Malia to the wall and i lose it.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing." I shout as i pull him away from her and he stumbles to the ground where i punch him hard as a crowd gathers around but i ignore them.

"Dude come down." Ryan pulls me off but i look in Malia's direction  and notice she is on the ground crying.

"Are you alright, did he do anything?" I ask as i kneel down next to her and i cup her face but she opens her eyes widely but she calms down as she notices me.

"Come on." I hold her hand and she stands up but stumbles  so i carry her out to my jeep. I place her in the passenger seat and i can tell she is still crying.

"Oi dude i'll see you later." I tell Ryan who comes to the parking lot with the dread girl.

"Is she okay , let me take her home." She says as she panics but Ryan holds her as i get in and i head to her flat.

"Do you have your key?" I ask her as she looks out of the window. She stopped crying after some time and she just zoned out.

"Malia?" I call her but she doesnt reply so i touch her shoulder and she looks at me with wide eyes but she calms down.

"I'm sorry." She looks at me and dries the stray tears rolling down her eyes.

"Its all good , but we are at your flat, so i was asking for your key."

" No i left it with Charlie." She says in her soft voice but this time it sounds broken.

"Okay its alright." I tell her as i drive out if the parking space and head to my apartment that i'm supposed to be staying at but i just decide to share a house with my boys.

"Come on." I open the door for her and help her to her feet.

"I can walk you know." She says but i hold her tighter by her small waist.

"I know, i'm not taking any chances of you falling." I help her to my flat which is at the top most floor of the hostel that belongs to my dad.

"Thank you." I help her to the couch and offer her a glass of water.

"No problem,". I sit next to her and just look at her .

"What?!" She asks avoiding my gaze.

"Nothing i just think that.. i thought you dont drink?" I ask as i get up knowing that if i'm this close to her, my head wont function straight.

"I dont, i left my drink on the counter and i think someone drugged me." She says her voice sounding low that i didnt almost here.

"Marcus." I growl and feel rage that i just punched his nose i'd have done worse, he deserves worse.

"Thank you Kai , i think i should head back i'm sure Charlie is back." She comes into the kitchen .

"No its alright i have an extra room." I tell her and walk next to her. She is pretty short to me but she is a tall lady if i do say so myself.

She has perfect plump lips and her eyes, those beautiful eyes that i can literally get lost in and her body which is now adoned with a short black dress exposing her long legs and her perfectly curved body.

She has a brown skin compared to my very light one, i dont wonder when some people say i'm white because of my skin colour but i'm not white, i'm half Korean, half African American and half Italian Mexican.

Before i know what i'm doing , i hold Malia's hand in mine and thats when i notice the contrast in our skin. She looks up at me with a confused look but like i said , i dont think straight when i'm around her.

"Kai?" She says my name soflty and thats when i lose my fucking senses and before i know it, my lips brush against hers softly.
She becomes stiff but doesnot pull away so i hold the back of her neck and kiss her soflty, i bite her lower lip gently and she gasps giving me entrance into her sweet mouth, her lips are soft and i pull her closer to me and then push her against the wall and hold her waist. Her hands wrap around my neck as my hands roam her body.

I pull away and begin to kiss her jaw then down to her neck making her whimper then she releases a moan and that drives me insane.
My hands move to her back and then slide to her ass giving it a gentle grip. Damn, she soft asf.

She then pulls away from me and i frown already missing the heat of her body.

"So... sorry shit, i'm sorry Malia i just got carried away." I pull away from her but she doesnt say anything so i turn to look at her and her face is blank.

"Malia, i'm sorry i just got carried away." I tell her as i move next to her and try to hold her hand but she pulls away. " i'm sorry, i truly am"

"You said you had an extra room." She says completely ignoring what i said.

"Right this way, " i sigh and lead her to the hallway and then point at the door opposite my room.

"Thanks." She whispers and then gets into the room and looks around.

"I'll go get you some clothes." I walk out of the room and head to mine. I have some clothes here but most are at the house.

I get back to the room and find her seated on the bed. " here ." I hand her the clothes and she whispers a small thank you .

"Malia i'm truly sorry." I tell her and she just looks up at me and she looks like she is about to cry.

"That was my first kiss." She says in a very low voice that i almost did not here and thats when it all makes sense, when i kissed her, she seemed lost but i couldnt tell.

"Shit baby...i mean Malia i'm sorry." I kneel down next to her.

"It dont matter i have to take a shower." She gets up and walks towards the bathroom and i just remain on the floor till i hear water running and i walk out.
Yup I messed up.

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