Chapter 37

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Malia's POV

"Man I want this shit to be over with I'm tired." Devon exclaims as we study. We are almost doing the finals and we shall be graduating in a couple of weeks and by we I mean me, Devon and Chad.

Kai calls every day mostly FaceTime but he hasn't been calling lately and when I call, he doesn't pick up or he rushes to get off the call but I don't have to worry about that since I have my education to worry about.

Charlotte and Ross moved to Detroit where they are both working and Ross also works the the chain of Chan enterprises. Natalie finally moved in with Mark but they'll be moving to Detroit too since Mark got an offer there but still under Kai's father's company and Ryan is now roommates with Raven in New York and they claim to be just friends but I think something is going on between them. Kiona stays with Devon now and Chad literally moved in with me and I'm not complaining because I didn't want to remain alone.

"Stop thinking about that dude." Devon tells me and I just sigh .

"When did you last talk?" Chad asks as he puts his big ass head on my laps so I begin to put his hair in small braids.

"Last week." I think about how it was me who called but he cut the call short making me cry the whole night.

"I knew this relationship would end." I say more to myself.

"Don't talk like that babes maybe he has a reason for it." Chad tells me.

"What could possibly stop him from giving at least a few minutes to his girlfriend." Devon chimes in.

My phone goes off and Devon hands it to me and I notice it's Kai so I put it on silent and throw it the other side of the couch.

"It was him?" Chad asks and I shake my head yes.

"Let's stop talking about him we have examinations to worry about." I tell them and push Chad off me so that we can get back to studying.

"Man I want to get to court already, this firm in New York has sent me an email telling me I should start right after graduation." Devon tells us. He literally has a job already. He is going to deal in family law and Chad wants to deal in criminal law just like me.

"You're a lucky bastard." Chad replies.

"Will you be going with Kiona?" I ask him knowing he loves her and I don't think he can leave her behind .

"I will, her parents are in New York and they want to meet me so it's a win win, I get to go with her and also meet her parents ,I was meaning to propose to her." Devon whispers the last part but we of course heard it.

"OMG, Devon I'm so proud of you." I squeal and run to where he is hugging him and he hugs back.
"You don't love me anymore?" I tell him playfully mocking him since he loved me more than a best friend some time back.

"I still love you ma." He pecks my cheek and I return to my previous position.

"I'm proud of you man." Chad tells him .

"Where is the ring ? Have you got it yet?" I ask him .
He puts his hand in his pocket pulling out a red velvet box. He gives it to me and I open it. The ring has a real diamond inform of a heart .

"It's beautiful she is going to love it." I hand it back to him.

"Don't tell Charlotte and her big mouth." He warns making me me roll my eyes .duh I have to tell my girls.

"Aw my baby has finally grown up." I coo at him and and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't push it." Devon warns .

"Fine ,fine." I reply and open the books we've been studying.

"You know your phone keeps going off right?" Chad says and I nod my head yes. I've intentionally ignored it since I know it's Kai.

"Let's keep reading." I tell them.

We continue reading till it's late night and Devon gets back to Kiona as I remain with Chad.

"Should we order in?" Chad asks as he walks into my room since he uses the other room that was previously mine. I remember telling Kai about Chad moving in and he was mad but I had to convince him that Chad isn't interested in me and that's when he gave in.

"Yeah, I feel like pizza." I get up from the bed.

"Chicken and pineapple?" He asks and pulls his phone out of his pocket probably to order.

"That's right, come sit." I walk over the dresser and grab the tv remote and walk to the bed joining Chad and I turn on the TV.

"It still beats my understanding how you eat your pizza with chicken and pineapple, pineapple babes." He shakes his head making me roll my eyes.

"It's the best pizza you could ever eat you dumbass." I retort and he puts his hands up .

"Whatever you say."

We watch Tyler Perry's sistas till we hear Vanni call my name so I walk to the door and find him giving money to the delivery guy.

"I can pay Vanni you don't have to."

"It's fine Malia." He says as he hands me the two boxes.

"Thank you." I take the pizza from him.

"No problem and Mr.Chan says he is calling and you're not picking up is everything alright?." Vanni tells me and resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Everything is fine Vanni don't worry about it thanks again ." I tell him and walk back to the bedroom and find Chad on phone.

I give him his pizza and I take my seat next to him and begin to eat.

"She is here." Chad says and I look at him confused and I notice that he is talking on my phone.

"Who is that?" I ask him as I take a bite of a slice.

"It's your boyfriend." Chad replies and hands me the phone.

"Why the hell would you pick up?" I ask him angrily and he just smirks. This idiot just smirked like it's no big deal.

"Your phone was over going off." He says and stands up grabbing his pizza box ready to leave.

"But it was on silent." I tell him and he points to the phone and I remember that Kai is still on.

"Talk to him." Chad says and walks out. I sigh loudly and put the phone on my ear.

"It's a FaceTime baby." I hear Kai's voice and take the phone off my ear embarrassed.

"Sorry." I tell him and I adjust the phone.

"Connect the call to the television." Kai tells me and I frown my eye brows confused. He directs me how to do it and he pops up on the screen and I can see him clearly. He is in a black three piece suit and he is seated behind a dark brown table . He looks broader in that suit and his hair has grown more plus a small beard making him look manly. He looks sexy .

I look away and begin to stare at my pizza.

"Why haven't you been picking up my calls?" He asks in a serious tone.

I lift my head and look at him and find him looking at me intensely.


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