Chapter 65

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Malia's POV.

Today we are sorting out the things needed for the wedding and Kai forced me to get a wedding planner to help out my mom and his mother. I stopped working due to risks of stress and my doctor told me it's hard for twins to be born when they are fully grown that means that in most cases twins are born premature but I want my babies to come out when they are grown so I stopped working,well Kai made me stop working.

It's my birthday too but I don't plan on doing anything though. I just want to sleep. Kai and Micah left earlier to go do whatever it is they are doing.Micah is now on his summer break so he has no school and Kai goes to work when he wants to claiming he is his own boss.

Albie still works at the firm but last I heard Alex turned himself in and apparently he had some other girls he had assaulted so he was given about fourteen years imprisonment but I'm thinking that wasn't enough but all that matters is that he is away.

"Are you almost here?" I ask lil man on phone since he is coming to start living with us and begin school here.

"I told you I'm waiting for my flight right now,you've asked me that for the last ten minutes." Lil man huffs and I roll my eyes.

"Don't blame me ,I miss my little brother."

"I'm not little,I'm in high school." He says.

"Fine whatever,anyway is mom there with you?"

"Yeah With dad too, you need to get time and talk to her ."

" I will ,I'm waiting for them to come when we have the wedding and that's when I'll talk to her."

"You better." He says .

"I will ,anyway I need to prepare for Kai and Micah some food before they return."

"Alright and happy birthday."

"Thanks lil man, okay I gotta go."

"Alright then." He says and we end the call.

I get to the kitchen and open the fridge then pull out some chips for frying to eat with my chocolate dip. The cravings have been hitting me hard but I have Micah to eat with me.

"I can make you real food you know." Kai comes into the kitchen with Micah following behind.

"No I'm good,,I just need my snacks right now and I didn't hear you come in." I tell him as I begin to fry my chips.

"I still don't know why you eat that shit." Kai says as he seats at one of the barstools.

"Mama,can I have my snack?" Micah asks as he gets his shoes off and walks to me.

"Of course." I reply and pull out the crisps and give them to him.

"Thank you mama." He says as he walks out of the kitchen.

"You should try them babe,they are amazing." I tell Kai and then grab some peanut butter and apples then chop them into small potions. I walk over and seat next to Kai and dip one of the apple pieces in the peanut butter eating it .

"You sure you don't feel like throwing up because I just did throw up in my mouth twice." Kai says as he looks at my snack.

"You're missing out on goodness babe." I tell him.

"There is no goodness behind peanut butter and chocolate dip."

"It's good try it." I get one piece and dip it in the peanut then give him.

"There is no way I'm eating that."

"Come on babe try it ." I put the piece next to his mouth.

"I'm doing this just because I love you." He says and then takes the piece and chews it.

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