Chapter 33

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Malia's POV

I hate this day.Kai is leaving today and my period decided to show up today and let's not forget the cramps that are killing me and I'm being moody and also a pimple just decided to show up on my forehead.okay I officially hate this day and that's why I'm crying in the bathroom as Kai tries to get me to open it.

"Baby, I'm going to break down this door if you don't open it." He says as he turns the handle.

"I don't want to." I sniff.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No you didn't, I...I'm not feeling good." I reply.

"We all don't feel good some days but baby that's why I'm your boyfriend, you tell me what's bothering you not lock yourself up ."

"I don't want to tell you."

"What? Why?" He asks and I can tell he is getting frustrated.
"Baby on the count of three i'ma break this door in."
He warns .

"You'll have to fix it." I tell him.

"I don't care all I care about is my baby not the damn door." He says from the other side.

"Fine let me open it." I unlock the door and Kai walks in and pulls me to him examining my body as if trying to look for an injury.

"Are you okay?" He cups my cheek and rubs the tears off. He is dressed in his normal sweatpants with no shirt on and I'm in his huge shirt with panties on because, my body decided to remind me that my egg is not fertilized.

"I'm okay." I tell him .

"Then why are you crying and why did you lock yourself in?"

"I have a pimple and I look horrible." I tell him and he searches my face for what I've told him.

"Has it started?" He asks .

"Yeah ." I reply ready to cry again.

"I'm sorry baby, and the cramps, have they started too?" He asks . He knows my routine for my period.

"They have." I begin to cry again and I blame the period.

"Come on ,I'll prepare you some hot chocolate and I'll go get you some chocolates since you finished the rest." He chuckles making me smile.

I reply and he holds my hand and we head out of the bathroom.

We get to the kitchen and Kai helps me sit on the barstool and walks to the kitchen cabinet grabbing a cup as he begins to make my drink and it looks like he prepared breakfast.I'm trying to avoid by all means to talk about him leaving it's killing me and adding on the cramps, it's even worse.

"Here." Kai comes to sit next to me and gives me the warm chocolate that I sip on instantly.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He replies as he rubs my lower back as he takes a bite of some of his bacon and I do the same. Kai is a great cook and sometimes I think I'm dating a chef.

We eat in comfortable silence but he doesn't stop rubbing my back. Kai is a very caring man and loving too . I don't think I can stand the thought of being away from him.

"I'm coming with you." I blurt out and turn to look at him.

"Baby..." he trails off and looks at me .I guess he's trying to see if I'm serious.

"I want to come with you to Italy."

"As much as I'd love to take you with me, you have to complete college first." He says truthfully.

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