Chapter 71

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Kai's POV

Half way through the flight Malia got up and was uncomfortable in her dress so I helped her take it off and change into something comfortable then she went straight back to sleep. I planned the honeymoon surprise together with her brothers. They told me she always loved to go to an island so I considered that while making the surprise.

"Boss we are almost there." Vanni comes and tells me . I decided to have Vanni with us during the two weeks because word had already spread that I'm getting married but I'm sure the honeymoon is going to be silent meaning that no one is going to know where we are going and that is why I chose where we are going, for safety purposes.

"Alright." I reply and I begin to wake my wife up.
"Baby, we are almost landing, I need to get you back to your seat." I tap her shoulder softly and she gets up.

"I was just starting to sleep." She whines as she rubs her eyes to clear her vision.

"You've been asleep the entire flight." I reply and she gasps .

"That's not true." She exclaims as I help her up .

"You wanna argue about that right now,I took a video for proof."

"Why do you always take pictures and record me while I'm sleeping,sometimes I think you're crazy , sleep is supposed to be one's safe haven." She says making me chuckle at her theory. I do love taking her pictures because she looks beautiful in her sleep and her face always has this pout while she sleeps as for the videos,I take them for proof to show her when she begins to deny the fact that she sleeps with her mouth open.

"I'm crazy about you." I smirk and she kisses her teeth .

"I'll just pretend that your answer wasn't cocky at all." I help her into her seat and take one beside her .
We land safely and Vanni drives us to the yacht I rented out. I should've bought it but Malia would disagree and even tell me to take it back so for now,I'll rent it out.

"This is so cool, are we having all this to our selves? Wait this is the surprise ?" She asks as the captain and his crew help take the bags in.

"This is not the surprise." I reply as one of the crew members shows us to our room.

"Oh thank goodness because this would be the worst surprise you've ever given me." She says nonchalantly and I look down at her raising my eyebrows at her.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask her and open the door for her.

"Well, you're supposed to say 'surprise baby' but you didn't." She replies as she throws her shoes on the ground and jumps on the bed childishly making me shake my head. I got myself a crazy wife.

"I have never said ' surprise baby' when I'm giving you any surprise." I retort as I lay on the bed next to her and she holds her chin pretending to be deep in thought.

"Oh now that I think about, you've never said it." She replies .

"Of course I've never said it." I reply and begin to feel tired and sleepy.

"Do not sleep on my wedding night,nope you're not finna sleep." She says as she climbs and straddles me and her hands move inside my chest so hold them before she pinches my nipples since that's her next move.

"Baby,you slept through the whole flight on my wedding night but you don't want me to sleep?" I stifle a yawn as my hands lazily move to her waist.

"I was tired I barely had any sleep yesterday." She whines and I shake my head then push her gently off me and she purses her lips.
"You don't want to touch my body?" She asks and I close my eyes truly tired.

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