Chapter 38

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Kai's POV

She is just looking at me without answering my question. I miss her , I miss being with her, I miss holding her, I miss kissing her , I just want to be back to her.

"I asked you a question baby." I tell her and she looks away again.
"Fucking answer my question Malia." I snap at her hitting my hand across the table getting frustrated and she whimpers . She looks at me with wide eyes and she is about to cry but she doesn't and I'm relieved . I never use her name unless she is being annoying.

"I'm sorry." I whisper .

"I hate it when you snap at me." She says calmly and puts her pizza box on the side of the bed.

"I'm sorry,I'm sorry baby I'm just stressed and you're my happy place so when you weren't picking up I lost it ." I tell her and I feel the urge to hug her close to me.

"I was calling you earlier and you were cutting my calls short so I guessed you were ignoring me." She says and she  lays down and rests her head on my pillow.I miss her.

"I would never ignore you intentionally,I've just been busy lately." I run my hands through my hair. It has over grown but I won't let anyone cut it unless it's my baby and she isn't here so I might as well just leave it to grow.

"I miss you." She tells me and she sounds sad.

"I miss you too baby,I can't wait to come see you, to hold you, to kiss you." I tell her and look down at what she has on and it's obviously my shirt and her sleeping shorts. She refuses to sleep in a night dress or pajamas .

"You at the office?" She asks .

"Yeah,I'm about to head home."

"Okay." She replies.

We remain silent and just look at each other. We always remain silent on calls ,maybe trying to imagine that we are together,holding each other or maybe the silence between our calls is to show how much love we have for each other, I have no idea.

"Babe?" She breaks the silence.


"What exactly do you do?" She asks . She always asks me that.

"I'm going to take over my father's company and that's why I'm here, it's kind of training."

"I need you to tell me the truth." She sits up and looks sternly at me.

"It is the truth." I tell her.I'm tired of lying to her but it's for the best if she doesn't know for now.

"What's the name of the company?" She asks and looks at me.

"Chan, Chan enterprises."

"What does it do or produce?" She asks again.

"Many products ranging from households to electronic products and many more."

"Is that all?"

"Yeah that all baby, where is this coming from?" I ask her .

"It's just that you've never told me what the company deals in."

"I didn't feel the need to you tell."

"I'm your fucking girlfriend so I needed to know from you not to find out from other people."  She snaps.

"I'm sorry okay? Who told you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Look I'm sorry okay? I really am."

"It's alright."

We continue talking till she begins to dose off.

"Sleepy?" I ask her and she shakes her head no while yawning.
"Go to sleep baby stop fighting it." I tell her and she makes herself comfortable on the bed.

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