Chapter 25

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Malia's POV.

"Hey son." A man ,about Kai's height and he looks forty approaches us and pulls Kai into a hug so I'm guessing he is the dad.

"Hey dad." Kai replies and hugs him back.

"I'm glad you're here."

"I have to be here dad." He pulls away from the hug.

"Is Kane with you or he used his own?"

"He used his own." Kai holds my waist and pulls me closer to him making his dad look down at me then back at Kai.

"Son, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" His dad asks looking at me and I notice that his eyes are grey too and they have a slight resemblance.

"Yeah, dad this is Malia my girlfriend and Malia, this is my dad."

"Nice to meet you Mr.Chan." I extend my hand but he pulls me into a hug.

"Nice to meet you too Malia." He pulls away then turns to look at Kai.

"Your mom is upstairs with grandma." He tells Kai then leaves.

"I'll be right back baby,the kitchen is that way I'll be back in a minute." He pecks my cheek then leaves.

I turn to where the kitchen is so I make my way over there since I don't know anyone.
I get to the kitchen and just sit on the barstool and a woman dressed in maid uniform hands me some water while speaking Korean but she doesn't look Korean.

"I'm sorry I don't understand what you're saying." I tell her and she looks at me smiling warmly.

"It's okay, I said you're beautiful." She replies in a thick accent and I'm guessing she is Dominican or Mexican.

"Oh, thank you." I tell her shocked and drink the water she offered.

"No problem Mrs. Chan." She replies and smiles while walking away.

" we aren't..." I whisper the last part since she has already left.

I check through my phone and find that Devon texted me including Chad so I make a mental note to call them back.
Two people come and join me and they look like a couple but the guy seems familiar but I can't put a finger to where I have seen him ..

"Hey ." The girl with jet black hair and smooth vanilla skin takes the seat right next to me and the guy takes the one next to her.

"Hey." I reply.

"You're family?" She asks as she smiles at me,she is polite.

"Not really."

"Have we met before?" The guy asks . "I feel like I've met you somewhere.....Ma....Malia right?" He says sounding un sure.

"Yes I'm Malia."

"Malia....Malia, ah we met in the plane going to Manchester."

"Kane?" I ask him finally remembering the cute guy who decided to disturb my sleep on the plane. He looks cute and his growing beard gives him that cute manly vibe .

"That's right."

"You two know each other?" The girl asks as she looks between me and Kane confused.

"Yup, we met in a plane ." He replies happily.

"I'm Marie." She extends her hand and I shake it politely.

"I'm Malia."

"I know that already." She laughs and I laugh too.

"So Malia, what brings you to my grand dad's burial?" Kane asks and I look at him confused.

"Do you happen to know Kai?" I ask curiously as I take some of my water.

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