Chapter 69

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Kai's POV

I've been on edge these past few weeks and it's all because of Malia. If she isn't crying, she is angry or she is mad at me for something small i did or didn't do. I had to get rid of my cologne and body wash since she said it made her nauseous so I took all of it out.

"Kai?" She calls me from the bathroom so I get in and find her combing her big hair or as she loves to call it ,her Afro.


"I can't find your body wash where is it?" She asks as she opens the cabinets checking then looks at me probably for an answer and I give her a blank stare.

"You made me throw the body wash out." I tell her and she purses her lips .

"I didn't mean that you should take them out." She rolls her eyes replying with an attitude.
This is what I'm talking about, the moodiness, emotions and sometimes the forgetfulness. I read in the books that I got for pregnancy that this is normal for a pregnant woman but sometimes it goes beyond.

"But you said 'Kai throw that stuff away , it smells like dog poop." I tell her and she grimaces.

"That's not how I sound." She crosses her arms around her chest making her breasts move up since she is in her night gown. I don't know if it's not having sex for almost a month now but just the mere staring at her chest just gets me hard.
"My eyes are up here." She says and that's when I look up at her.

"Baby, just use your body wash ." I tell her and she huffs.

"It smells horrible I don't want to use it, oouh , I'll go  use Micah's, it smells like candy." She says then walks past me going out.

The wedding is a few days away and Malia is stressing herself yet she has my mom and her mom working on it ,I even got a wedding planner . She told me to help in the preparations but I don't know anything about weddings so I'm not getting myself involved in that.
Walking into the living room ,I find Ryan and Ross watching television and I can hear giggles and noise coming from the backyard. It's afternoon so I'm guessing all the guys are in the pool. I was working on this house for about two years and I was happy she loved it.

"Yo." I speak up and get their attention.

"What up dude." Ryan says as I sit next to them.

"Nothing man." I sigh loudly as I run my hand through my hair.

"You ready to get married,I know I'm ready to get you drunk on your party before you become a husband." Ross says .

"I don't plan on getting drunk." I reply.

"Come on , you definitely will get drunk,you know strippers,alcohol,strippers and more alcohol." Ryan says and that's when Albie comes into the room and narrows her eyes at him.

"Wanna repeat that again Sir?" She crosses her arms and Ryan begins to get nervous.

"Uh...I Uh... I didn't mean it like that." He says but Albie just huffs and walks away .

"Oooh dude you're going to take the couch for a couple of days." Ross says making Ryan roll his eyes.

"I can't sleep on the couch I know she can't make me, but dude , strippers and alcohol." Ryan says .

"When I walk away angry yo ass is post to follow me." Albie shouts making Ryan stand up very fast and walking towards her making us laugh.

Ross and I get bored and decided to walk to where the rest of the family is. The kids are playing in the shallow end of the pool with Charlotte and Kiona while my dad and Malia's dad are by the grill probably making something.

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