Two Hunt's

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Ivy leans against Jackson as Bailey gets everyone's attention, "Okay. Um, all right, everyone! Listen up, please! Uh, first, I want to thank you all for keeping your heads during the events of last night. Thanks to you, there were very minimal injuries, and the firefighters were able to contain the blaze quickly. There was some damage, however, that will need to be repaired. Uh, the neuro ICU, the cath lab, and pulmonary clinic..."

She lays her head back against Jacksons chest, his arm coming to wrap around her waist as Bailey continues, "So until further notice, ORs three through six are nonfunctional."

Ivy spots that Amelia and Owen are back. She smiles at Owen before focusing on Bailey, "To recap, we are to avoid ORs three through six and the entire neuro wing as they are unstable."

Suddenly, there is a crash above the nurses station as the ceiling collapses.

"Uh, also avoid the fourth floor nurses station until further notice," Ivy inputs.


Meredith pulls Maggie and Ivy to go check on Amelia. They enter the attendings lounge to see her getting dressed, "Hey. You're working?"

Amelia nods, "Yeah, I'm gonna work."

"Hows Megan?"

"Uh, she's alive. And-well, not quite well, but she's funny and sharp and very much alive, which is, you know, energizing. I mean, this miracle happened, and it makes me aware that I have the ability to make that miracle happen for someone else's family so...yeah. I'm gonna work," Amelia tells them.

Ivy looks to Maggie and Meredith, "I got this."

They leave as Ivy hugs her sister, "I miss him too. It's okay to be with Owen and his sister. But I understand why you would prefer to work. I'm here if you want to talk."

"Thanks, Ivy. Love you," Amelia hugs her sister back.


Ivy does compressions as Warren pulls the gurney into the ER, "Coming through!"

Webber is standing in front of a bunch of med-students, "What do we got?"

"Pedestrian versus SUV. Multiple open fractures. Arrested en route," Warren tells him.

"Lets get set up for an ED thoracotomy," Ivy calls.

"Mind if we observe?"

Ivy nods, "As long as you stay out of my way! Chest tray, size six and a half gloves. Ready? On my count. One, two, three. Glove me. Betadine his chest. Someone take over bagging."

As Ivy cuts into the patients chest, blood squirts out. One of the med students faints and another won't stop screaming.

"Dr. Webber?"

He shoos them out, "Okay, look, everybody out! Let's go!"


Ivy walks into Megan Hunts room to here her say, "Yeah, well, when you're done with that, you think you can put a little of that botox right there? That brow has not unfurrowed since I got home."

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