Season 18: Part 2

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Season 18, Episode 6

Ivy knocks on the door to the Grey household. She was sadly away from her family this Thanksgiving due to meetings but she can at least spend it with her nieces and nephews and favorite sister.

Zola opens the door, "Aunt Ivy!"

"Hi Zo-zo. Can I come in?" Ivy asks, hugging Zola.

"Yeah! Aunt Amelia! Aunt Ivy's here!" Zola yells to the kitchen where the sound of little feet running towards them sounds.

Bailey and Ellis are quick to jump into their aunts arms, "Aunt Ivy!"

Amelia looks confused at her younger sister and the suitcase with her sister, "Ivy? What are you doing here and not with your own children?"

"I have a few meetings and consults here for the next few days so I am here. Why? You gonna kick me out?" Ivy sasses, hugging Amelia.

"Get in here. Bailey, bring your aunt's suitcase up to the guest room," Amelia directs her nephew as Ivy checks her phone.

"Looks like I have to swing by the hospital and sign some paperwork that can't wait until tomorrow. So, I'm gonna go do that and then I'll be back and we can pig out, watch some movies and generally cause a mess for your mom when she gets home."

The kids cheer as Amelia rolls her eyes, smiling.

Ivy smirks, "See you in awhile!"


Finishing up her paperwork, Ivy heads up to the peds floor to check in on Farouk and Megan. In Farouk's room, she sees Owen, Teddy and Hayes are with the mother/son duo, "Well, looks like it's a party on the peds floor."

"Ivy?" Owen asks, confused as Ivy hugs Teddy and Megan, giving Farouk a fist bump and hitting Owen's shoulder, "Ow! What was that for?"

"For not telling me about you're wedding and getting married without me," Ivy smiles.

Megan shakes her head, "That's just a terrible thing to do."

Owen looks between the two, "But-you got mad at me for that the last time you were here."

"Yes, but as your honorary sister, I am allowed to hold that over your head until one of us is dead," Ivy tells him, Megan nodding in agreement.

"Them is the rules of being a younger sister."

"I'm gonna go home and make Thanksgiving dinner," Owen sighs, turning around.

Teddy calls after him, "Good, stick with the plan!"

Owen yells back, "I'll stick with the plan."


Opening the door, Ivy walks in to see Link with Amelia in the kitchen, "Link? Hey."

"Hey, Ivy? What-what are you doing here?" He asks, watching as Ivy grabs Scout out of the carrier and kisses his face.

"Some paperwork, consults, boring stuff like that but for the rest of the day, I will be spending it here with all of you," Ivy tells him, "And since I can't wait to see the chaos that is this, I will be watching Amelia try and cook dinner while I hold your son all day."

Link laughs as a timer goes off, "Oh, that's my basting timer. My hands are garlicky. Can you grab that?"

He nods, "Oh, got it," Opening the door, he peeks in before closing it and looking at Amelia.



"Link, what? Is it burning?" Amelia asks as Ivy stands at the counter with Scout.

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