Bar Crash

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Ivy rushes out to the ambulance bay, watching as resident after resident is brought in. She spots Jackson and quickly kisses him, not caring who's around, "God, I was so scared when we got the call."

"Hey, I'm fine. I'm one hundred percent, okay. Come on, we got residents to work on," he holds her for a second, knowing how she gets when any one she loves is in danger.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Um, okay, yeah," she takes a deep breath, refocusing before giving him another kiss and turning around, "Clear trauma one, two, and three. Let CT know we'll be rolling upstairs in a few minutes. Altman, I want you on Parker. Ginger, page everyone, it's all hands on deck. Call Richard Webber and Owen Hunt. Tell em I need them here. Let's go, move!"


Ivy runs into DeLuca, Amelia and Tom in a hallway, "DeLuca, you're with me, let's go."

"Uh, no, I told him to head upstairs and-"

"I don't care what you told him. He's my resident, a trauma resident. There are multiple traumas and I need him. So, screw you, DeLuca let's go," Ivy drags the resident down to the ER, the neurosurgeons following behind her.

"Fine, how bad is it?" Tom asks as they gown up.

Ivy grabs her tablet, looking over notes, "Uh, Simms and Helm got the worst of it- besides the couple who were in the car. DeLuca, work out here with-" She sees Link talking to Amelia, "Lincoln, Shepherd, you guys work with DeLuca out here. We're now swamped but short-staffed. Thankfully I called ahead for some extra hands."

Bailey joins them as Webber and Owen walk in. Tom argues, "Webber and Hunt were fired from this hospital."

Ivy slams her hands on the counter, startling the group of attendings, "My husband was in that bar and could have easily been in one of these beds. I don't care what title you have, Tom, this is my hospital, my ER, and my students. Webber and Hunt are granted temporary privileges and if anyone argues with me, they can walk their happy asses out of this hospital and keep going. Am I clear?"

"Yes, we're good," Amelia nods at her sister, squeezing her hand in support before they all spread out.

"Blake Simms, mid-face instability, criked in the field. Needs to head up to CT ASAP. Hunt, join Avery. And please, keep an eye for any missed injuries on either of them," Ivy directs.

Owen nods, easing her worry, "Yep."

Tom steps forward, "I should be in here. In case there's any neuro."

Ivy rolls her eyes, Bailey agreeing with her, "Any other requests from the peanut gallery?"

"Okay, moving on. Taryn Helm, hemodynamiclly stable, tib-fib fracture, but complains of pain in the pelvis, so pelvic x-ray, chest x-ray, FAST exam, the works. All four of you, go. Bailey," Ivy keeps Bailey a second longer, "I know about what happened earlier today and I'm not gonna stop you from working. But listen to your body and step back when needed. Don't hurt yourself trying to be brave. Otherwise, get to work."

Bailey smiles, shaking her head, "Thank you for understanding what I need. Although, you're a little too bossy for my taste."

As she walks towards Teddy, Ivy calls back, "My ER, my rules."

Teddy starts filling her in, "Casey Parker- he took a nasty blow to the head. He's got a palpable scalp hematoma."

Parker looks at her, "Did a bomb go off?"

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