Kick in the Butt

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Ivy takes a break and goes outside. She runs into Jackson taking a break, "Hey stranger. Do you think I could take you out sometime?"

He laughs, yawning, "I don't know if my wife would like that. She's amazing and I wouldn't trade her for anything."

"I wish I could hug you," Ivy sighs, "Good news is I'm on my way to a meeting with your mother. Apparently Koracick screwed something up when I asked him to order the new PPE. Now I've got to figure out how to fix it."

"You'll find a way. You always do. I got to get back in there, facetime later?" Jackson asks, quickly squeezing her hand as he passes on his way back in.



Opening the conference room door, Ivy turns to Catherine, "I've been working in the COVID ICU so mask on or off?" They share a look, "I'll keep it on. So, would you like a pair of booties, we have plenty to spare."

Catherine snorts, flipping through paperwork, "Why was Koracick in charge of ordering the PPE?That's your job as chief of chiefs!"

Ivy glares at her mother in law, not liking being yelled at, "Because, when I'm here, I'm in the COVID ICU, when I'm in my hotel room, I'm on the phone talking with my husband or my children! I'm not allowed to see any of them really unless I've been quarantined for two weeks or a negative test. But I'm surrounded by this-this virus my entire work day. So, I had Tom order PPE. Thinking there was no way he could possibly mess that up. I was wrong! And don't yell at me!"

"I'm not yelling at you! I'm yelling at the world through you! I hate this!"

"I hate this too! I hate that I haven't been able to hold my children in weeks. That I'm missing moments in my kids lives. That as soon as our adoption of Garrett was official, we had to send him and the kids to Amelia's to protect them! I miss my family!"

The two women yell until they break down in laughter from the release of emotion. Catherine's voice breaks, "And I hate that my husband hasn't come back to me."

Ivy nods, "I hate that too. But he'll be back."


*Months Prior*

The Avery family sits in the living room. They are celebrating Garrett's graduation and Jackson and Ivy have a special present for him.

"And this is one that Aria and Adelia made. They are still working on shapes but they finger painted this for you," Alexus said, handing Garrett a picture.

The teen smiles before moving over to the toddlers in their swings and kissing their cheeks, raising giggles out of them, "Thank you, you cuties. Thank you all of you for the presents."

Ivy brings out an envelope, "We have one more. It's from Jackson and I."

Garrett smiles, taking the envelope and sitting back down next to them. As he reads over the paper, Alexus and Christopher try to read over his shoulder. Aurora climbs onto her dad's lap as the parents share a smile.



"Those are adoption papers. Jackson and I have already signed them. Now, these are just to make things official, but even if you don't sign them, you'll always be an Avery. You can't get rid of us that easily," Ivy smiles, kissing the teens cheek as the kids cheer.

Jackson pats his shoulder, "There's no pressure. We just want you to know that we love you and you are a part of this family. This is just legality. You're my son, signature or no signature."

Garrett grabs a pen off the table and quickly signs the papers, "I-thank you. T-t-this means the world to me. Thank you."

Aurora smiles, bouncing up and down in excitement, "We can add his hand print to the family tree!"

"The what?" Garrett asks.

"My childhood was not what I wanted. But there was one thing in my childhood home that made me smile every time I saw it. It was a family tree. At the end of each branch was each of us kids handprints from the day we were born and added to the Shepherd family. I knew that I wanted that for my kids. So, we have one that hangs in the dining hall, adding to it when someone joins our family," Ivy shares, standing to grab the picture, taking it out of the frame and lying it on the table.

Jackson smiles, asking his oldest daughter, "And I think Aurora is right. Now is the perfect time to add yours. Allie, can you go get your paints please?"

She quickly runs out of the room and comes back, carrying her paint set and multiple brushes. Aurora, Alexus and Christopher all grab a brush and dip some green paint on to it before starting to brush Garrett's hand. Jackson and Ivy grab the youngest twins and bring them over to the rest of the family.

Once Garrett's hand is covered in paint, Ivy places his hand on his branch and all the kids push his hand down, cementing his mark as part of the Avery family.

Ivy grabs a pen and neatly writes underneath the print, Garrett Weldon-Avery.

Jackson wipes her tears away as the Avery family have a big group hug.


*April 2020*

Catherine and Ivy sit in front of each other again. Ivy sighs, "Right now, chief of chiefs is not something I can mentally do."

"You're giving up the position you fought for? Ivy Shepherd-Avery where is my daughter in law?"

"Helping you get your husband back and keep my mental sanity as much as possible. Richard should not be in the COVID ICU or dealing with COVID on a regular basis. Get him in here, give him my position and apologize. You humiliated him when you stood by when he was fired. You humiliated him by buying his hospital. And he hurt you when he sent you away. He hurt you by talking with another woman. But he can help you get through this nightmare. Take it from the woman who can't even see the people who keep her sane. Fix this, put your ego aside and find your joy. As your daughter, I'm giving you a swift kick in the ass," Ivy says, looking at her phone as it rings, "Now, I'm gonna answer this call from my husband while you talk to yours. Love you and talk to you later."


AN: it's on the shorter side but it's full of cute family moments. Ivy was so done with Catherine and Richards bull crap at this point.

I think that coming up soon, episodes are gonna have to be put together in parts or they will be to short. That means this story will be ending sooner than we thought. Unless you all don't care about the length and just want me to stretch the story out for as long as possible.

QoC: Should Ivy be on Meredith's team of doctors?

Thanks for all of the votes and comments and reads!!!

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