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Ivy lays her head down at the nurses station as Meredith and Helm search through papers and Maggie texts on her phone as Amelia walks up, "Are you thinking about sex all the time with the noises through the wall?"

Maggie shakes her head, "I am not that loud."

"Walls are thin. Found that out when I lived there and Lexie and Jackson were dating," Ivy doesn't lift her head.

"I miss sex. Don't you?" Amelia asks Meredith.

"My sex drive has become my work drive. Plus, I got this really excellent back massager," Meredith goes over to the printer.

Maggie smiles, "Clive is nice, you know? Like, it's more than sex. I think I really like him. I'm seeing him again tonight."

Ivy looks up at her, "You're already at two nights in a row, and you think you like him?"

She sighs, "Well, my mom was the one  who always told me whether a guy was a keeper or..."

"A serial killer," Amelia finishes the sentence, "Yeah, I have one of those to. I call her Ivy."

"And I have never once been wrong," Ivy smiles.

Amelia thinks, "What about Daniel Ross, my senior year of high school. He just ghosted me, you didn't have anything to do with that relationship ending."

"Caught him cheating on you with the school nurse, told him I had proof and would show you if he ever talked to you again."

Maggie chuckles, "He's not a serial killer. He's too nice."

Meredith turns around, "You know who says that? Neighbors of serial killers."

Ivy suggests, "Why don't you have him over for a game night or something, I'll meet him and tell you what I think. Judging people is one of my best traits. Tonight?"

"Sure. If my thing with Dr. Cerone doesn't go well, I may just stay home and get drunk with my back messager," Meredith leaves them to plan.

"Okay, I like this plan. Amelia, spread the word," Ivy walks away, "I'll talk to Jackson."

Maggie sighs, "Great. Jackson. Yay."


Ivy makes her way down to the ER after hearing about April's thing about cutting an ear off. Watches as Jackson and Maggie talk with the patient. Ivy stands up and draws everyone's attention, "Okay, listen up. Next person to throw anything, you will be asked to leave unless you were injured. If you're injured, I will have you separated from everyone and the ball taken away, am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am," she hears from all the players.

She nods before seeing Owen, "Dr. Hunt, come with me for a second," they make their way over to April and Schmitt, "Hold up, Schmitt. Kepner, I need to talk to you. This is Dr. Hunt, he will be supervising Dr. Schmitt. Dr. Kepner."

Ivy leads her away before starting, "Hunts gonna take over and you're going home for the day."


"Chiefs orders. She's talking to legal, and they said that you should stand down," Ivy tells her.

"Wait. S-I'm- I'm getting suspended? Why?" April asks.

Ivy gives her her mom look, "You cut a girl's ear off, for starters. It's only for the day."

April argues, "Yeah, because a kid was throwing a ball after I repeatedly told him to stop."

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