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Ivy groans as her and Jackson make their way into the hosptial, "I just don't understand why I have to babysit these interviews when I have patients who need me."

Jackson chuckles, kissing her, "Because you're Chief of Surgery. That comes with other responsibilities."

"No wonder Derek, Owen and Richard quit. No wonder Bailey doesn't want it back."

"You got this. Don't kill Koracick though, I wouldn't be necessarily upset," Jackson smiles as Tom and Bailey come up to them.

"Whats going on?" Bailey asks.

Tom smiles, wrapping an arm around Ivys shoulders, "Shepherd and I get to interview all of Pac-Norths employees today."

Bailey nods, smiling, "In that case, I'd like to make some recommendations."

"About the people you impulsively fired to set in motion a chain of events Shepherd and I are still trying to clear up? No, thank you, we'll conduct these interviews ourselves, and make the right decisions," Tom shakes his head as they group walks through the halls.

"And here I thought you and I were making friends."

Ivy snorts, "You always do, then he earns the ass that's in his name," she turns to Bailey, "I need you to work with DeLuca and the residents today on Suzanne since I'll be stuck in interviews all day."

Bailey nods, "Got it."

She looks at Tom, "Lets get this over with."

Jackson hands her a coffee before giving her another kiss, "Remember, no killing Tom."

"No promises."


Ivy flips through files as they walk into the crowded room. Tom greets everyone, "Okay, a-as you can see, we've got a lot of interviewing to do. We'll be as efficient as possible, but thank you for your patience."

Owen stands up, "Chief Karev is on personal leave, so I've been acting as interim and-"

"Cool story, bro. Okay-"

"Tom, can you set up everything in the room? Thanks," Ivy nicely shoves Tom away and closes the door before addressing the group, "Hello everyone, I am Chief Shepherd-Avery. I will respond to many things, Chief or Dr. Shepherd, Shepherd-Avery, or Avery. I am a trauma and orthopedic surgeon as well as a board member so I know what this hospital needs. If you do not get a job here, I will write a recommendation for you to any hospital you apply to or hook you up with another Fox Foundation hospital. For now, Dr. Webber, we'll start with you."

Richard stands and follows her into the room where Tom smiles at him, "You'll be happy to hear that Dr. Fox was very clear. You're job is safe."

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Your wife wants you here at Grey-Sloan, big guy. She wants you here enough to buy a craptastic hosptial and pretend it's an investment," Tom chuckles.

"No," Ivy shakes her head, smirking, "Because of that horrible dinner and argument I had to sit through listening to family argue the entire time, you being hired will be based on you handle a case. Suzanne Britland. DeLuca will get you up to speed but you are working underneath Dr. Lauren Riley. If Suzanne continues to get worse or no answer is found with Whats going wrong with her, your job is endanger, she's fine, so is your job. Clear?"

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