Pro Bono Day

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Ivy swings her hand that is locked with Jacksons as they walk into the hospital, "Garrett and Chris are super excited to go to the basketball game with you tonight."

"Court-side seats for me and my boys. It will be great. Some bonding time for the three of us, while you girls get an early nights sleep because you don't sleep enough," Jackson kisses Ivy as she scowls at him.

"I sleep plenty. You know, 30 minute naps in on-call rooms and on the couch in between folding loads of laundry," Ivy tries to play off before sighing, "I have to admit, I am looking forward to actually sleeping tonight. That is, if I don't get dragged into being a general surgeon for Mer's pro-bono surgery day."

As if she was called, Meredith jogs over to the Averys as they head to the attendings lounge, "Ivy! I have a question."

She nods, "Yes, I can help with all of your surgeries today. Give me a minute to change then you can update me on what you need to."

Meredith smiles, doing a small victory dance, "Great. Do you know where Richard is? I need to convince him to take a couple surgeons."

"Oh," Jackson and Ivy share a look, "Seperation papers were served to him yesterday. I don't know how much he'll be willing to do."

"I have to at least try to convince him," Meredith skips away.

"Welp, looks like I have a busy day ahead of me. See you later and if I don't see you before the game, love you and don't spoil the boys too much," They share a kiss before Ivy quickly changes and leaves.

Jackson yells after her, "No promise!"


Ivy meets Meredith, Owen, Hayes, Jo and a couple residents to go over the plan, "Good morning. Welcome to Pro Bono Surgery Day. I appreciate you all rearranging your schedules to be here. I would make a speech, but we don't really have the time because Ivy needs us all back where we need to be at seven."

She nods, "Sorry, but there's a couple peds and general surgeries that are scheduled then that have been put on the back-burner."

"Do you know what they call Pro Bono Surgery Day in Ireland? Everyday," Hayes tells them as Meredith fake laughs.

"Great, jokes. Okay, Hayes, you are on bed eight. Hunt and Ka-Jo, uh, you have AV fistula, bed six. Take Brody with you," Meredith assigns.

"Wait, uh, it's Wilson now. Wait, I don't like that either. I-okay, for now it's-it is- it is Jo. It is Dr. Jo."

Ivy pats Jo's shoulder before turning to Meredith, "Me?"

She nods, "Uh, lap chole, bed five."


Ivy sighs as she walks into the clinic where she is met by DeLuca, "Okay, DeLuca, what's up? It's Pro Bono Surgery Day and Mer will kill-"

"I think that girl over there is a victim of human trafficking."

"Okay," Ivy focuses, "Backing?"

The two have talked about how they would handle these situations before. Being trauma surgeons that mostly worked in the ER, they knew there was a chance that they would be more likely to face human traffickers and needed to be able to work together to help.

"The woman who claims to be her aunt is doing all the talking. Cindy, the patient, is following Opal's every movement, Opal is making excuses for Cindy to not talk."

She nods, looking over to a different patient and waving, "I am going to pretend to look at that patient while you go back over to them. I want to listen in to see what happens. If they ask about this conversation, say that I am your boss and you needed me to consult on another patient. If she asks why you aren't with me, tell her that I need an unobscured exam done."

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