Trauma Cert

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Ivy wipes down the counter after the twins were painting using watercolors. Jackson watches as she methodically cleans everything in sight, "So...are we gonna talk about the Mag-"

"Nope. Nothing to talk about. I was only helpful and nice to her, I treated her like a sister, and she makes a move on my husband. She apparently can't stay out of our marriage but oh well, I'll have to deal with it," Ivy shrugs, picking up her purse, "I have to go do some paperwork at the hospital, are you okay with the kids or should I take them with me?"

"I've got them. Are you sure your okay? We should talk-"

"Okay, I'll see you at work, later then, bye," she makes her way out the door.

Jackson sighs, "Okay, love you too."


Ivy knocks on Catherine's door, "Hey, do you have to be anywhere or can we talk?"

Catherine opens the door wider, "Come on in, is everything alright? Jackson? The kids?"

She shakes her head, "Oh, no, no, everyone's okay. I-I just need someone to talk to. A mother."

"Of course. What's on your mind?" Catherine hugs her, leading her to the couch.

"Last night was game night at Mer's. We met Maggie's boyfriend, found out he was married. Everyone left until it was just Jackson, Maggie and I. I went into the kitchen to make some food so the only thing in Maggie's stomach was just wine. I come out to see Maggie kiss Jackson and him push her away," Ivy rushes out.

"Oh, my God. What happened after that?" Catherine gasps.

Ivy starts pacing, "I set the food down and walked out of the house. Jackson followed me and we went home. Haven't talked about it."

Catherine watches her, "So you're mad."

Snorting, Ivy nods, "More than pissed. I have been nothing but kind and helpful and friendly to her and how did she repay me? Kissing my husband! Coming between my marriage again."

"Yeah, I see that you're pissed at Pierce. But you're also mad at my son."

"What? No I'm not.  I have no reason to be, he pushed her away and came after me. He did everything right," Ivy argues.

"This time," Catherine points out.

She sighs, "No, I trust him and I know that the whole problem was Maggie's fault."

"But you're still mad at Jackson or better yet, you're scared. Scared that your gonna say something and he's going to go to her. Leaving you alone, maybe taking the kids. Your scared that he's going to throw you to the sides because that's what you grew up with," Catherine sits her down, taking her hands.

"No. I'm fine, I trust Jackson. I am pissed at Maggie. She's the one I'm mad at. I'm only mad. Not scared. Y-y-you're wrong. I'm pissed," Ivy shakes her head, standing up and leaving.

Catherine sighs, "I'm gonna have to have another talk with her."


Ivy sighs, filling out a patient chart before feeling herself get dragged into a supply closet, "Whoa. Hey! What gives?"

Jackson shuts the door, "Where have you been the past two nights? You haven't been at home. The kids and I miss you at home."

"I've had patients and surgeries and paper-"

"You never work two nights in a row. You have a rule against it. Is this about-" he starts to ask.

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