Sister Trust

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Ivy feels a tapping on her cheek, "Not now Jackson, too sleepy."

The tapping continues, "Mommy."

Opening her eyes, Ivy sees Christopher, "Chris? What's up, bud?"

"I want snuggles," Christopher doesn't wait for her to say anything and just climbs into bed with her.

"Okay. Come here," she feels him rest his head on her chest before the baby monitor alerts her that her youngest daughter's are requesting her presence, "I'm coming, I'm coming."

Shuffling to the nursery, Ivy picks the twins up and tries rocking them to sleep. It works, up until she goes to put them back in their cribs, then they cry more, "It looks like you two will be sleeping with big brother and mommy tonight," Ivy yawns as she walks back to her room, "And apparently Allie and Aurora. Well, mommy doesn't like sleeping alone anyways. Daddy won't have anywhere to sleep when he gets home though."

Laying down, Ivy sets the twins in between her and Aurora, the older two twins contorted in a weird position, where they are half laying on each other. Shaking her head, Ivy joins her kids in the land of sleep.

Kicking off his shoes and hanging up his jacket, Jackson makes his way into the house after a long surgery. He makes his way to the oldest twins room but finds it empty. He then checks Aurora's room. Also empty. Finally, he checks the nursery. Empty. Not panicking quite yet, Jackson checks his and Ivy's room where he finds his whole family, snuggled up and sleeping. Taking up the whole bed with no room for him, "Couch or chair? Couch or chair? This floor looks comfy."


Amelia texts Ivy as she's scrubbing out from her surgery.

From Twinnie: Zola's shunt needs a revision. Shes going into surgery. Now. Mer needs us.

To Twinnie: scrubbing out of surgery, meet you in a couple of minutes.

Ivy finishes scrubbing out and ends up running into Zola, Meredith and her surgical team, "I heard my favorite little niece was going into surgery. You ready, Zo?"

"Yeah. Can you stay with my mom so she's not alone?" Zola asks her aunt.

"I'll make you a deal, I'll stay with your mom, if you are a perfect patient for Dr. Koracick. I've already almost given him a heartattack during surgery, let's not make it a family thing," Ivy jokes with her niece, causing her to laugh slightly.

Zola nods, shaking hands with Ivy before Meredith kisses her head and she's rolled away.


Ivy grabs herself a cup of coffee before joining her sisters in a family room, "What are we doing?"

"We're sitting in silence, thinking the worst about Zola. And about court," Meredith tells her, answering Amelia's previous question at the same time.

"Hm, you see, no we're not. Cause you'll drive yourself crazy," Ivy shakes her head.

"Derek did a beautiful job with her shunt the first time," Amelia starts.

"All Tom has to do is go in and revise it. Take it from someone who had everything go wrong during her surgery and is still here, Tom won't let anything happen to Zola. Not to mention that he poked around in Amy's brain and she turned out not horrible-"

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