One Week Later

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Ivy stands by the car with the kids, hearing sirens approach. The ambulance pulls up behind her and she hears a female voice, "Dr. Shepherd-Avery, did you call for help?"

"Yes, but down the-"

"Help! Over here!" Jackson's voice interrupts them.

"Jackson! He's down there. I don't know what happened and I have my kids," Ivy gives her the run down, staying calm.

Vic yells back to her companions, "Grab the climbing gear!"

She can't hear anything except for her kids, "Its okay. Daddy will be right back. He's helping people, just like daddy always does."

"Okay, mommy, okay," Christopher nods, turning to his sisters, "Daddy's okay, he's just being a superhero!"

"Daddy's a superhero!" It works on Aurora as another rig pulls up.


Jackson rides in the rig with the man who went over the cliff so Ivy drives the van back to the hospital. She pulls up right behind them, "Helm! Take my kids to the daycare. Schmitt, get me a trauma gown! Let's move people! Where is everyone?"

"Meredith, Webber and Alex got fired, DeLuca's in jail and Teddy had her baby," Amelia tells her.

"One camping trip. I went on one camping trip and the hospital all but explodes," Ivy shouts as they all head into the ER, confused as to how much happened in a day.

One Week Later

Ivy meets the group of doctors in Jai and Mari's room, "I didn't want to, I suggested that it was the safest course of action."

"But then you were wrong," Jai mentions.

"But then I was a miracle worker," Ivy makes her presence known, joining Link looking over the leg.

"After he begged both of you and cried," Mari taunts.

Jai smiles at her, "You love me because I'm a sensitive guy."

Ivy chuckles, smiling at Jackson, "Alright, we're gonna let our interns do their jobs now. Qadri, you're up."

"Mari Prishna, 34, seven days post-op after she was a warrior Goddess and saved her husband's life," Qadri smiles at the woman.

"Dr. Avery was the warrior. He saved Jai. I mean, if he hadn't come along-"

"No, Mari, you caught the rope, and you held it for hours on a broken, shredded arm. You saved his life," Jackson interrupts her, Ivy watching him with a proud smile on her face.

Qadri continues, "We did a debridement of her wound and then put it in a right humeral plate. So, today will be her brachial plexus surgery for definitive nerve repair."


Ivy walks into Mari's OR to hear Jackson giving Amelia advice, "Of course he doesn't. You're not speaking in a language any dude could possibly understand."

"They're not wrong," Link adds.

"Okay, is the communication issue a surgical one or relationship one?" Ivy asks, joining the surgeons.

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