Adding Family

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Ivy snuggles up with Jackson on the couch as Aria and Adelia bounce in their swings, "We have to keep an eye on Jo. Ever since Alex left, she's been snippy."

Jackson kisses along Ivy's neck as he nods, "Yeah, sounds good. Uh, wait, what are you saying?"

"Pay attention to my words not my body. Look, just, if you get the chance, give Jo work that will keep her mind busy or else she'll spin out of control about Alex and then I'll be down a surgeon on top of being down DeLuca," She sighs, getting up to move the twins to the pack and play as they had fallen asleep.

"How is DeLuca, by the way? He's been making some bad decisions lately and he's been snappy," Jackson asks, grabbing Ivy's purse and coat after letting Melissa in.

Ivy gives the nanny a smile before the couple walks out to their car, "He has to have been cleared by one of the psychiatrists at the hospital before he's allowed to work again. Plus, Griffin Ford is stopping by the hospital today but I don't speak douche all that well so I'm leaving him to Tom."

He smiles, kissing her temple, "Tom is well versed in the douche language."

"Shut up and drive. I wanna see Garrett before he's released today."


After getting gowned, Ivy makes her way out to the ambulance bay, Jo and Link following behind her without noticing she's there, "If she wants to talk to me, she can find me. I'm done chasing her."

Turning back to them, Ivy stops in front of the ambulance doors, "Before we start working on this patient, if all today is is you two crapping on love, I'll put you on scut for a month,"

"I'm an attending."

"I'm the head of the ortho department."

"And I'm the owner of this hospital. I get it, life sucks right now but there are people hurt that we need to help and you can't do that if you are too busy complaining about love. So, no more, got it?"

They both nod before the doors open, "Brad Spencer, 22. Found unresponsive with burns on three extremities. GCS of 6T. We got him back after multiple rounds of CPR. He jumped onto a train track and got electrocuted."

A woman's voice joins them, "He didn't jump. He fell. We were kissing. We were saying goodbye, and we thought that the train was still behind us. Then he turned around too fast, and he just fell."

Jo starts whispering to Link as Ivy checks breath sounds and looks over the patient as much as possible, "Okay, let's go. Trauma one!"


In the trauma room, Link tells them, "Third degree burns on this arm."

Amelia joins the room, "Head trauma?"

"I paged Koracick."

"Koracick has a VIP patient today. Brad fell on his guitar, which fell on the train tracks. He was making out with his girlfriend. Link, have you been able to find a pulse in either wrist?" Ivy answers, rolling her eyes at the ortho surgeon.

He shakes his head, "This arm is cold and tight."

Simms checks the other arm, "This one, too."

"Right legs okay but I'm not getting anything in the left foot," Ivy tells the rest of the room, "Compartment syndrome," The ortho surgeons say together.

Link starts taking off his gloves, "Scalpels and sterile gloves! Simms, you ever done a fasciotomy?"

Simms changes his gloves, "Does a cadaver count?"

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