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Ivy chuckles as she watches Bailey try to convince Meredith to take her service, "You know, I have research to do."

Bailey sighs, "Look, I am your chief, and I made you my right hand for a reason. So you can cover my service for one day while I get caught up on my TrailBlazer."

"You know everybody's calling it the TailBlazer, right?" Ivy asks.

Meredith and Ivys laughs are cut off by a man coming up to the trio, "Excuse me. Are you chief Bailey?"

"I am."

"Hey, how you doing this morning, Dr. Bailey? I'm agent Martin Fields. I...I need to talk with one of your surgeons," he shakes her hand.

"Uh, agent Fields? I'm sorry. Are you FBI? Or..." Bailey asks.

He shakes his head, "Oh, no, ma'am. I'm with Immigration and Customs Enforecement. Yeah, it says here it's a surgical intern."

The trio spot all the interns and ask, "Which one?"


Leaving Meredith and Bailey to talk with the agent, Ivy grabs Bello and leads her to an exam room, "Okay, if this is about Mr. Bartlett's ventilator, I barely bumped it, and the plug was never technically all the way out of the socket-"

"Its not about that."

"Good, because I think it was already loose. If anything, I saved him-" Bello tells her.

Ivy shakes her head, "We don't have a lot of time, but I need you to pay attention, and I need you to stay calm."

Bailey quickly joins them, "Okay, he's waiting in my office with Grey."

Bello asks them, "Who is?"

"There is an agent from Immigration and Customs here, and he wants to speak to you," Ivy explains.

"No. No, no, no, no, no."

Bailey asks her, "Okay, Bello. What is this about? Are you undocumented?"

"No! I'm a Dreamer. I'm-I'm here under DACA. I have a work permit, so I'm protected," Bello freaks out.

"Okay, and everything is up to date, your status?"

Bello nods, "Of course! The only way I could get deported is if I break the law, but I-I don't! I...I don't speed. I don't do drugs. I don't do anything wrong."

Ivy hugs Bello, trying to comfort her, "Okay, this is good. They might just want to check your papers or something."

"No. I-I-I have to run. I have to hide," she starts pacing.

"Bello, Bello, calm down," Bailey tells her.

"I have a friend from high school. She-she was at work- an intern in a law firm. ICE came to her work. They said they just wanted to talk. Two days later, she was dropped off in Mexico City with a bag of clothes and a check from her family she had no way of cashing. She just...she doesn't even speak Spanish. She came here when she was two. Dr. Bailey, how do I calm down?" Bello cries, asking her.


Ivy sits with Meredith across from DeLuca and Bello, "Who even called them, okay? They can't just take you."

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