Megan Returns

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Ivy stands with Jackson, smilng as Meredith runs up to them, "When did you get the call?"

Jackson tells her, "Earlier this morning- donors in Olympia."

"And everything checks out?"

"Its a perfect match. Oh, I'm so jealous of both of you right now," Ivy laughs as they all start walking.

"Have you told her yet?" Meredith asks Jackson.

He shakes his head, "Well, I didn't want you to miss the fun."

They enter the room where Catherine and Webber were waiting after she got her radiation, "How'd it go?"

Webber sighs, "Oh, we just finished."

Meredith asks, "Any pain or nausea? Dizziness?"

"I feel annoyed. Too many people have nothing to do except fret over a five minute radiation zap. A potato wouldn't have cooked in the time that I was in there," she sasses before seeing the look on their faces, "What?"

"Jackson and Meredith have something for you. A gift of sorts," Ivy says, sitting next to her.

"I don't see anything," Catherine sips her water.

"It is a patient that we brought in from LA for an abdominal wall transplant," Jackson starts to say.

Catherine interrupts him, "A gift implies jewelry."

Jackson finishes, "We are also going to transplant his penis and scrotum. Or you are..."

Meredith adds, "If you're ready to come back."

She smiles, "I guess I need to change into some scrubs. My baby brought me a penis."

"No, your baby brings me a penis, he brought you a gift," Ivy mumbles, causing Meredith to laugh.


Ivy takes a walk outside and is greeted by Megan, "Hello?"

She smiles, hugging the woman, "Megan! How are you? Oh, you look fantastic! How are you feeling? What's happening? Is there-" Ivy points to the abdomen that was transplanted on to her.

"Did you want to look at it?" Megan traces a finger around her abdomen.

"Yes! Is that even a question?"

Megan lifts up her shirt so Ivy can see the minimal scar around the area of transplant, "There you go. I know. Hey! This stomach won the Catherine Fox Award, people. You should all he looking at it, too," she yells.

"That looks really good. My family did good," Ivy laughs, "There's no pain, no tenderness, no...?"

She shakes her head, "Nothing. And by the way, lifting up my shirt was how I convinced my patient to get the same surgery, so, you know, your family can't mess it up."

Ivy nods, "Awesome. Mer is on her way to do the procurement now. And just so you know, Teddy and Owen do not know that you are here, in case you want to suprise them."

"Teddy? Teddy's here?"

"Yes, Teddy's here. You don't know that?"


Following Megan to the ER, Ivy shoots Owen a warning text.

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