Drunk April

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Ivy twirls around with Aurora as she giggles, "Is my little bug so happy this morning? Yes you are."

Christopher latches onto Ivys leg, "Mommy, I happy too!"

She kneels down and hugs him, "Yes you are, my big man. Now, where's Allie? And your dad?"

"Daddy is helping Allie with her hair."

"Daddys doing Allies hair? By himself?" Ivy asks, looking skeptical.

He nods, "Yeah. To be honest mommy, it didn't look very good."

"Alright, who's ready to go?" Jackson comes out, carrying Alexus who's hair was pretty good but had a lot of chunks not in the pigtails he tried to do.

Ivy stifles a laugh, "I think we all are. Honey, can you get Aurora in the car, please?"

Jackson picks Aurora up after setting Alexus down, "Of course, my little princess. Let's go get in the car, and then you'll be at daycare and can play with all of the toys."

Seeing him completely out the door, Ivy turns to her daughter, "Do you want mommy to redo your hair before you go into daycare?"

"Yes please mommy. I love daddy, but he doesn't know how to do hair."

"Duh," Christopher points at his twins hair, "Your hair looks weird."


"Okay. Enough. Both of you, in the car, let's-" She stops after seeing Christopher pulling Alexus' hair until it's completely out.

Christopher hands Ivy the hair ties, "There, now mommy can make your hair pretty."

Quickly redoing Alexus' hair, they make their way out to the car. Jackson sees his daughters hair, "Princess, what happened to your hair? Didn't you like how daddy did it?"

Ivy jumps in, "Yes, she did. But Chris pulled her hair again, so I had to redo them. Come on, we're gonna be late."


Running out to the ambulance bay with Meredith, Owen and Helm, Ivy calls out, "What do you got, Warren?"

He smiles at her, "14 year old male, blunt abdominal trauma and a prnetrating injury in his upper thigh. Bleeding from a scalp lac. I pulled him and his brother out of a house fire- chemistry experiment gone wrong."

"If you've never had a science experiment gone wrong, you've never truly lived," Ivy chuckles.

"Did I kill my little brother? Please. He's gonna be okay, right? Moms gonna be so mad," the boy tells them.

"Lungs are clear, vitals are stable, saturating 95 in the mask. He's been coming in and out of consciousness," Ben adds as Ivy listens to the boys lungs.

He explains, "I was just trying to teach him chemistry. Can you tell my mom? That he wasn't doing anything wrong?"

Owen nods, "Okay, I got him."

Ivy asks, "Trauma one?"

Ben interrupts, "Yeah. No, Shepherd-Avery, you and Grey, you need to meet the other rig. His younger brother got thrown by the blast. He was bleeding out from the abdomen, and, well, one of our team, she just shoved her hand in there."

They quickly meet the rig and shout, "Do not move your hand!"

"See that? Grown-ups," the firefighter tells Schmitt.

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