Catherine's Tumor

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Ivy carries Aurora as Ginger holds the twins hands on their way to Catherine's room. Meredith stops them, "Oh, Ivy. Hold on. Here, I've been meaning to give this to you for a while, but the timing never seemed to be right," she holds out one of Derek's ferry boat scrub caps.

"Oh, my God. Mer! Thank you, I-I-I-" Ivy tears up.

"No need to thank me. Derek told me about how you picked out his first ever ferry boat scrub cap," Meredith smiles at her, "Are you on your way to Catherine's room?"

Christopher answers for his mom's, who's tears are being wiped away by Aurora, "Yeah. Grandma's sick, so we're gonna go help make her feel better!"

Alexus adds, "Grandma says we give the best hugs, do you think that will make her feel better, Aunt Mer?"

Meredith smiles at the twins, "I think that is exactly what she wants right now."

"Come on, let's get you all up to Catherine before she or Jackson throw a fit," Ginger starts walking with them to the room.

Ivy smiles at her sister in law, "Thank you, Mer. Truly. I don't think you know how much this means to me."

Opening the door, Ivy says, "Excuse me, there are some visitors here for one Dr. Catherine Fox."

"Grandma!" The twins run and hop onto the bed, hugging their grandmother.

Aurora claps in Ivys arms, leaning towards Catherine. Jackson kisses her forehead before handing her to his mom, "Did Koracick recheck the CT angio?"

"Yes, and please stop," Catherine tells her son.

"Daddy, mommy said that we're only supposed to be family today. Not doctors. Aunt Amy and Dr. Tom are grandma's doctors," Christopher reminds his father.

"You tell him, sweetheart," Catherine kisses his cheek, "I just need you two to be my husband and son today.:

Tom knocks on the door, "And we need you to be our patient."

Catherine sasses him, "Thomas, yours getting ready to cut open my spine. I will be whatever I want."

Alexus looks to Tom, "Are you gonna use scissors to cut my grandma's spine?"

"No, we're gonna use a scapel and a few other cool tools," Tom smiles at her, booping her nose before pointing at the screen, "Now, we will go in posteriorly with our stealth system and our newly pilfered ORBEYE scope."

"The plan is to go in and remove it en bloc," Amelia adds.

"And you really think that posteriorly is the way to go?" Jackson questions, his arms wrapped around Ivy.

Tom laughs, "Oh, it is fun to have so many surgeons in one family. Remind me, Avery- when did you become dour board certified in neuro?"

Ivy stops Jackson from answering, "Tom, please, just reassure us that everything will be fine."

Amelia smiles at her sister, "We need to go in posteriorly to avoid the carotid and the jugular, and to avoid having to weave through the brachial plexus."

"Look, I know how hard it is to be on the bench, but we are the A-team and we don't lose. Just ask Shepherds tumor. Oh, wait, you can't. Because I removed it. Flawlessly," Tom smirks at himself.

"You removed Aunt Amy's tumor?" Alexus gasps before turning to her grandma, "Dr. Tom removed Aunt Amy's tumor! He'll remove yours too!"

Tom smiles, chuckling, "I like this one," he notices Ivy is playing with her rings, "Ivy, relax. We got this."

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