Camping Trip

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Ivy groans, waking up in a tent with her kids feet in her face and in her ribs, "Ow."

Jackson enters the tent, carrying a mug of coffee, "Morning."

"How did I let you talk me into going camping this soon after surgery?" Ivy asks, sitting up.

"Because I used the kids against you. It's good for us to get away for a little bit. Get some fresh air. Now, do you need your pain meds or are you okay for now?"

She smiles, "I'll take them now. Just in case you have some sort of adventure planned."

Handing her the pills, Jackson lays behind her, wrapping his arms around her as she asks, "How do you think Catherine is handling Aria and Adelia? Do you think they're okay? Should we try and call them?"

"I think they are fine. I was thinking, how about we go hiking by the waterfall? There's this spot I want to show you. I found it when I went hiking a few years ago," Jackson distracts, looking down as they feel something weasling between them, "Why, hello Ms. Aurora. Did you want to come say hi?"

She nods, snuggling up to her dad, "I missed you."

Ivy kisses her forehead before looking at Jackson and kissing him, "We're gonna go hiking today. Your daddy has something he wants to show us."


While hiking, Ivy holds Aurora's hand, both of them stumbling along. Christopher and Alexus ran ahead, Jackson quickly chasing them, "Babe, how much further? Pretty soon you're gonna have to carry Princess Aurora."

"Princess Aurora or Queen Ivy?" Jackson jokes, winking at her.

"Both? It's been awhile since I've done this much hiking. Plus, my leg is still healing," Ivy says, messaging part of her leg.

"Are you okay? Any pain? Any thing feel wrong?" He asks, bringing the twins back to her.

She nods, kissing him, "I'm okay. I love you and how much you care."

Alexus is skipping around before she accidentally trips, "Ow! Mommy! Daddy!"

They kneel down beside her, "Oh, baby. Are you okay? What hurts?"

"My ankle," she cries, holding it, "Mommy, my ankle hurts."

Ivy starts assessing it, "Oh, it looks like it's just twisted. I have some wrap back at the tent that I'll use and we can put some ice on it. But I think we are gonna have to go home, daddy."

"Okay. We can do that. Come here, Allie, I'll carry you back," Alexus wraps her arms around Jacksons neck.

"Come on, babies, hold mommy's hand," she holds her hands out to Christopher and Aurora.


Jackson sets Alexus down before grabbing the wrapping and ice. Ivy accepts the items and starts attending to her daughters ankle as Jackson looks at his phone, "Uh, we have to get to the hospital. We have a situation with the foundation to deal with."

"Okay. Let's get packed up and go."


Once the Averys are all packed up, they hear sound of thunder and look out the tent to see it raining.

"Looks like we're not going anywhere anytime soon. Dammit," Ivy shakes her head, icing Alexus' ankle.

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