Contest Submissions

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"Alexus Charlotte Avery, I need you to get your shoes on, now!" Ivy shouts up the stairs to her oldest daughter.

"No! Daddy was supposed to take me to daycare today!" She yells back.

Ivy sighs, looking over at her son and youngest daughter, who had been ready for the past five minutes, "Well, he got called in for surgery, which means your stuck with me. Come on, I have stuff that I needed to have done 30 minutes ago. Please, just get your shoes on."

Alexus shouts down, "No!"

Christopher stomps up the stairs. It's quiet for a second before she hears Alexus cry out, "Ow! Mommy, Chris pulled my hair!"

She looks at Aurora, "You're my only sweet child," Aurora just giggles, "Okay, both of you get down here now! Or no electronics for two weeks!"

The twins trudge down the stairs, Alexus now wearing her shoes, "See? Was that so hard?"

"Yes!" They yell.

"Alright, let's get in the car," Ivy grabs Auroras car seat before opening the door for the twins.

Christopher walks right out while Aleuxs stomps her foot, "No, daddy!"


*Jackson's POV*

Most of the attendings stare at the spot where Ivy was supposed to have put up the rules for the competition, "All right, so, is this maybe online or something?"

Webber shakes his head, "No, she should be here with the rules right now."

Meredith joins the group, "Ivys MIA? That's unlike her."

"I got pulled into a surgery in the middle of the night. She had to handle the kids by herself," Jackson groans, "Oh, she's gonna kill me."

"I just wish there were dates, you know, deadlines, bylaws. Guidelines are nice," Maggie seems very agitated.

Amelia shares, "I've got five viability studies going. I need to know if I should start making panic-based decisions."

Alex scoffs, "Five? I don't even have one."

Meredith asks, "You don't?"

"Whats yours?"

"Shut up."

"I mean, do you guys wanna know what you're gonna lose to, or you want to be surprised? Aerosolized stem cells that provide rapid tissue coverage and epidermal regeneration without any grafting," Jackson brags.

Meredith's mouth drops, "Spray on skin?"

He smiles, crossing his arms, "Thats spray on skin, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, hey babe. You're looking..." He takes in her messy pony tail, eye bags, overflowing purse and messy clothes, "...gorgeous?"

"All right, here's the deal. If you want these rules and guidelines and due dates, you will listen to me complain for a minute. If you can't do that, walk your ass away," Ivy points down the hallway she just came from.

They all just nod as they wait for her to start. She turns to Jackson and pokes his chest at the end of every sentence, "Your daughter is a menace. It took me 30 minutes. 30 minutes! To get her to put her fricking shoes on and get in the car. A situation that wasn't helped when your son decided to try and be helpful and pull her hair. So, you have two five year olds down in daycare waiting for you to remind them that when mommy says to do something, they better frickin do it."

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