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Ivy and Jackson read the sign, Room Reserved for Washington Medical Commission.

She shakes her head before Jackson spots Webber, "Hey. You just get back in town?"

"Yeah. I landed last night. Um, listen. I'm sorry I didn't call you back. I didn't think it was a good idea for you two or your-your mom to come to Sabrina's service," he tells the couple.

"Mom didn't go?" Jackson asks, Ivy also wondering.

"The family's not ready to see anyone, especially from Seattle."

Ivy nods, "Understandable."

Moving further into the waiting area, they hear Owen and Teddy arguing about sleeping, "Everything okay?"

Owen looks down at Link, "Allison had us up till three."

"Us?" Teddy turns on the former soldier, "You slept through the whole thing. Or you pretended to. Hey, hey! Is that coffee?"

Link quickly hands it over as Ivy laughs, "Don't worry, Teddy, every father does this. The trick is to find the soothing motion to calm your kid down. I'll give you some tips later."

Bailey struts up to the group, "I don't remember all you people putting in requests for the day off."

"And whose fault is it that they need to?" Webber comments, causing Jackson to put his hand over Ivy's mouth before she laughs to loud.

"Richard. Nice to see you."


Meredith comes in with her posse and everyone shares looks. Ivy looks around before rolling her eyes at some of the tension in the room, "Alright, before we go in, let's get something clear. Our goal is to help Mer keep her medical license. It is not to argue or wave your pettiness around in front of a panel of surgeons. If you can not be mature or grown up, your ass can walk out that door. Am I clear?"

Yes, ma'am's are heard around the room.

Meredith's lawyer, Nancy Klein, chuckles, "Could not have said it better myself, Dr. Shepherd-Avery. Shall we head in?"


Ivy sits in between Amelia and Jackson as the Judge starts, "Good morning. Based on the number of witnesses on the list I just read, this one's gonna be a circus, so let's go ahead on record. My name is Willim Benson, I am the judge who's been assigned to this case. We have Ms. Ashley Cordova, who's representing the Medical Commission, and Ms. Nancy Klein, who will represent the respondent. The commission panel includes Dr. Aaron Rosenberg, Dr. Maria Lang, and-"

A door opens before a man's voice is heard, "I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. Sorry. Traffic. Light was out on Broadway."

Meredith and Ivy both immediately recognize him. Ivy squeezes Jacksons arm, "Dr. Paul Castello," she whispers at the same time she the judge.

"What?" Jackson asks.

"Thats the doctor that killed Derek."


"We will follow these protocols throughout these proceedings," judge Benson says.

Ivy whispers to Jackson, "I've been trying to get his license revoked for years but nothings come up. He's to well-liked. The last time I saw him was six months ago at my last failed attempt. Now he's judging Mer? No."

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