Finding a Purpose

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Ivy yawns as she listens to Amelia rant on the phone, "Would I be pissed if she slipped and did some drugs? Yes. But I'm even more pissed that she is lying to me. God, I sound like our mother."

"Amelia. It is like three in the morning and I'm growing a child. My mind isn't as sharp as it usually is. Can you stop sounding like our mother and put Betty on the phone?" Ivy rubs her eyes as Jackson snuggles his head on her chest, she looks down on his sleeping face, "Glad you are sleeping so good."

"Its Betty."

"Look, I know I'm not your mom, but I am someone who has helped a loved one through addiction. Amelia might be pissed if you use. We all would. But lying to her is going to cause more problems. So, get control of the demon that wants to hack Amelia's head off, apologize, and work with her. Because, if I get another call like this, I will be in charge of your recovery and I do tough love. Tougher than Amelia. Got it?"

"I understand, Ivy."

Ivy smiles, "Good. Now all of you in that household better go to bed. Now, or I will arrive at the house, holding a frying pan and hit you all over the head so you sleep, have I made myself clear?"

"Already asleep, night."


Walking into the attendings lounge, Ivy sees Meredith, "You have a date tonight."

Meredith is caught off guard, "What?"

Ivy points at the makeup on her face, "You are wearing makeup. You don't wear makeup unless you have a presentation or your going on a date. So, therefore, your going on a date."

She nods, "Yeah, Cece set me up with someone. You don't think it's a mistake, do you?"

"Mer, a mistake would be if you held yourself back. Put yourself out there and see what happens. If it goes bad, you know what you don't want," Ivy shrugs, changing into her scrubs.

"Meredith, if Zola got high, you would ground her, right? Oh, Ivy, if Alexus or-" Amelia asks as her and Maggie join the sisters in the lounge.

Ivy rolls her eyes, "Yes, I would. Actually, I think I'd kill them. I'm not going through the fear of losing someone I love because they are chasing a high."

Maggie ignores the conversation and looks over Meredith's makeup and outfit, "Oh, look at you."

Amelia grows worried as she moves towards the bathroom, "What happened? You have a funeral?"

"Whats wrong with you? You look weird," Alex comes in behind them.

Ivy hits his arm as Maggie says, "Shes wearing makeup. She looks pretty."


Maggie comes to the same conclusion as Ivy, "Oh, my God, you have a date."

Amelia yells from the bathroom, "Ah! You're doing it!" She sticks her head out, "Ah! You're letting Mrs. Santa Claus bring you presents!"

"Where you going? Drinks? Coffee?" Maggie asks.


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