Post-Op Day...

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Ivy, Meredith, and Maggie watch as Amelia shaves her hair, "Thats it? Kinda makes you look fierce."

"Are you sure you don't want me to call mom?" Ivy double checks, already knowing the answer.

"No. She didn't come for my wedding. She doesn't get to come for my tumor," Amelia shakes her head, Ivy sighing.


Most of the attendings stand in Amelia's room as Tom goes over the plan, "I'll go in through a subfrontal craniotomy, real clean, small incision in the dura, and then scoop the tumor out. I don't like the edema around the tumor, but I got to dance with the girl who brought me, so... I imagine you have questions."

Bailey goes first, "Yeah, uh, how many of these have you done?"

"So, so many."

"And what's the recovery time?" Webber asks.

Tom tells them, "I took a 13 centimeter tumor out of a cop in roughly the same place. He was walking day one, talking day three, back at work end of the week, so..."

Ivy nods at him, "Thank you, Tom."

He walks by Ivy, ruffling her hair, "Yeah. See you at the after party."

Maggie comments, "He seems arrogant enough."

"He's a showboat. And he works best under pressure, so, DeLuca, ask him questions during surgery, make him show off. And if I make it through-"

"When you make it through," Owen and Ivy state.

DeLuca guesses, "Early ambulation protocol."

"Thank you. Okay. Meredith, if I die-"

Meredith deadpans, "You are not going to die."

Amelia continues, "But if I do, you call my mom. I'm sorry, but she likes you and Ivy has already told her one if her kids died, twice and Ivys number may get blocked," she turns to Maggie, "And you, take my room. It is way better. I kind of scammed you on that."

"Stop it."

"No, she's right. Its way better which is why it was mine when I lived there," Ivy tells her.

"Owen, if I'm gorked, do not overthink it, do not visit me. Just park me somewhere and go on with your life," Amelia explains to her husband.

"Amelia, please cut it out."

"And if I need unplugging, Ivy has been named my power of attorney. She knows what I want because we had plenty of time to discuss this crap when we were younger and I was going on my drug binges and she was lucky to get a good meal once a week," Amelia points out.

Ivy chuckles, "Thanks for the reminder."

Amelia looks around, "I don't know what's me and what's tumor talking, but, this moment, I love you people tremendously."

Ivy sits next to her sister on the bed, hugging her, "We love you too, Amy. Don't worry, Derek is probably finding a way to posses Tom so he can make sure your surgery goes perfect."


Quickly grabbing the kids, Ivy takes them to the observation deck of Amelia's surgery. Ivy turns on the intercom, "The twins have something they want to say."

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