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Ivy opens the door to her sisters house, bouncing the youngest twins in her arms, "Okay, we know somethings wrong when aunt Maggie asks me to come over."

Maggie holds a tray of food, "Amelia isn't getting out of bed and she's ignoring Link."

"I know. He cornered me yesterday asking if I've heard from her. Let's go check on her," Ivy follows Maggie up the stairs.

Knocking, Maggie quickly enters, "Thought the baby might be hungry...even if you aren't. And I brought some friends."

Adelia kicks her legs when she sees her aunt, "Scoot your butt, Amy. The girls are heavy and I would like to sit."

"You've always been pushy," Amelia rolls her eyes, scooting over so Ivy can sit down.

Ivy lays the twins on the bed, Maggie setting the tray on Amelia's bedside table, "You sure we can't, um, send a doctor to check in on you? An OB? An orthopedic surgeon?"

"No. But thank you."

Maggie sits down, "Amelia."

Amelia sighs, "Maggie. Pretty recently, you were going through something. And you hid in your room, and you rejected both food and company. And we wanted to bury you in love all day, every day, but you locked the door and-and we grudgingly respected your desire for privacy."

"I appreciated that," Maggie nods, "I needed it. Fine. Eat the toast...and I'll spare you the comfort."

Amelia eats a slice of toast as Maggie leaves. Ivy stays, "Maggie said that-"

"That she would spare you the comfort. Yes, but not me. I grew up with you, Amy, I know what you need. And that is some sister and niece time," Ivy smiles, holding the twins up so Amelia can see their smiling faces, "Say no to these faces."

She smiles, reaching over and moving Adelia to sit next to her comfortably, "I guess you three can stay."


Ivy tickles Aria's stomach before turning to her sister, "Okay. Let it out. You need to spiral out and the only healthy and safe way you can do that is by just saying what's on your mind. So, speak. I'm listening."

Amelia smiles, sighing, "This is why you're my favorite sister."

"I know, I'm the best," Ivy turns to her daughter, "Mommy's the best."

"A-mee," Adelia says from Amelia's arms.

The sisters freeze, "Did she just-?"

"Say Amy? Yeah. You're daughter said my name as her first word."


Ivy looks at her phone and see DeLuca calling her, "Yes, DeLuca?"

"Bailey took me off of Suzanne's case. Can you do anything to stop her? Pull rank or something?"

"No. I think that if Bailey did that, she had a reason. DeLuca, even over the phone you sound exhausted, please, go get some rest and I'll think about getting you back on the case. Until then, sleep. That's an order," Ivy hangs up and sits back on the bed.

Amelia plays with the twins, "Everything okay?"

Ivy nods, "On my end, yeah. How about yours?"

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